Q posts on the chans…not able to block followers.
ETS posts on Twitter so he is able to pick and choose followers, responses, etc.
ETS has not contradicted Q that I've seen. Actually, he's promoted Q and shown deference to the Q team and POTUS.
Is he legit? Does it matter?
Q espoused anti-censorship. Q said to be careful who you follow. Q did not say to only follow Q and Q did not say to not not follow anyone else. Q was opposed to thos PROFITING from his movement. I don't ETS attempting to monetize his Twitter page.
Q said that the message would expand to multiple platforms. It has.
Q said that Q would only communicate via the chan. ETS has said that he is NOT Q.
If ETS were completely BS, wouldn't he answer EVERY question. Why would he defer some answers to being reserved to Q ( Sky Event ) and POTUS ( JFK )? If he was total BS, I would think he would have BSd those questions with BS answers; he didn't.
WHAT IF this is the Great Awakening? NO MORE SECRETS.
Trump had a meeting where he asked the cameras to stay in the room. Total disclosure. Is this the future?
What if we are moving into a time when all the secrets are no more? What if ETS is being instructed to do the Q & A?
He doesn't know Q or the Q team but he says there are questions that are only for them to answer. To me, that means he's been told that he can answer anything he wants as long as he steers clear of X, Y, & Z. Those topics are off limits to him. Maybe ETS's boss knows who Q is but ETS does not?
So IF he's NSA and he's been instructed to use his personal account ( not an official NSA account ) to start answering questions for the GA, than I believe that this could be the next phase of the movement.
He's prepping those already paying attention.
Q was the lecturer. Now the lecture is over. Time for Q & A, class?
If 6/11 and the Sky Event are what he says, that will be more GA, full disclosure, no secrets.
Blindly following ANYONE is a mistake. Even giving Q blind trust is a mistake. RESEARCH everything yourself - that was the true purpose of Q in the first place, I believe.
Consider the answers to the ETS Q&As as points for consideration. Are the answers plausible? Can they be open-source verified?
6/11 is a target on the back of ETS so his credibility ends in a little more than a week if he's been BSing anyone. I can wait a week to see. And then if he is right about 6/11, maybe we need to consider that is other answers are also right.
We've been following Q for a lot longer than a week and a lot of people have shown impatience when nothing happened.
Reserve judgment just a bit longer is my position on ALL OF THIS.
Besides, what have we got lose?