Mark Taylor on Monday Night Spiritual Smackdown from Mar 7, 2022.
Discusses prophetic word from six years ago that said Russia, Russia would be inspired by God to smite the Deep State.
Mark Taylor on Monday Night Spiritual Smackdown from Mar 7, 2022.
Discusses prophetic word from six years ago that said Russia, Russia would be inspired by God to smite the Deep State.
Interesting video clip. Translation verified?
We are officers of the Russian Army.
We are not at war with Ukraine, and especially not civilians.
My name is Daniel.
I am a Colonel in the the Russian Army.
We are here on the orders of the President of the Russian Federation to liberate Ukraine from fascists, criminals, and Nazis that are in power.
We are here so that you can live in peace.
We do not go near civilians, especially not children.
Legislation proposed in the Maryland Senate would allow babies to be left to die for as long as the first 28 days after birth (at least)… Seriously, wtf. I haf to read the legislation to check.
The legislation states that no person (parent or doctor) should face criminal investigation for the death of a baby during the “perinatal period”. And, what is the perinatal period? Anywhere from during pregnancy to 2 years old after birth. This is beyond crazy. The nation is going to shit.
👉Legislation text:
Another Wolfe/Epstein connection: The Edge Foundation.
Metabiota Co-founder Dr. Nathan Wolfe was a member of The Edge Foundation. The Edge Foundation launched as the online version of "The Reality Club," an "informal" gathering of scientists and "other thinkers in the empirical world, who, through their work and expository writing, are taking the place of the traditional intellectual in rendering visible the deeper meanings of our lives, redefining who and what we are." Jeffrey Epstein was also a member.
The Edge Foundation describes itself as "A relatively novel organizational form that distributes knowledge and power to the "edges" of organizations"
The Edge Foundation is led by John Brockman a close associate to Jeffrey Epstein. Brockman attended a celebratory dinner at Epstein's mansion upon his release from prison and was listed in Epstein's "little black book" as an "agent for scientific “freethinkers.”
Brockman has been described as Epstein's "intellectual enabler," with The Edge Foundation acting as a "salon" for science intellectuals that could be used at Epstein's disposal. The Edge Foundation allegedly received substantial backing from Epstein's "charitable" organizations.
Other members of the Edge Foundation include Spirit Cooker Marina Abramovic, Amazon's Jeff Bezos, Google's Larry Page, and, among many other high-profile names, eBay and The Skoll Foundation's founder Jeffrey Skoll – who, alongside Google in 2008, would have provided early grants to Dr. Nathan Wolfe's Global Viral Forecasting Initiative, the not-for-profit successor of Metabiota.
The Skoll Foundation Global Threats Fund has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the fight fight against "gravest threats to humanity’: climate change, pandemics, water security, nuclear proliferation, and conflict in the Middle East". Skoll also runs a media company that focuses on "creating entertainment for social change". In other words: a part of The Great Reset machine.
So Dr. Nathan Wolfe – a founding citizen of Ghislaine Maxwell's Terramar Project, who is also a member of The Edge Foundation (which was thought to be Epstein's intellectual talent pool), whose area of research is zoonotic diseases, with a special focus on bats, with links to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and EcoHealth Alliance, and who has previously bungled epidemic responses while selling pandemic insurance; whose company Metabiota which is funded by Rosemont Seneca, Google, The Skoll Foundation. (etc;) was awarded a sub-contract with the US Gov's DTRA program for work in Ukraine… and you're telling me it was for totally innocuous reasons and this isn't a front for something else? K.
CDC stats show that U.S. millennials experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality during the August to December 2021 period, according to the analysis of two financial experts. With the help of number-crunching by an unnamed “insurance industry expert,” former BlackRock Portfolio Manager Ed Dowd showed that the total numbers of excess deaths for millennials (ages 25-44) during the second half of last year — 61,000 — surpass the fatality rate of Americans killed during the Vietnam war: 58,000 people over the course of 10 years, as he noted to Steve Bannon on his “War Room” show.
Pathologist Ryan Cole on the mysterious blood clots
Edward Dowd on Future Recession, Shocking Findings in the CDC Covid Data and Democide
CEO Of German Insurance Company Fired After Releasing Covid Vaccine Injury Data
Whilst you were distracted by Russia’s invasion, the Australian Gov. published data confirming the Fully Vaccinated now account for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths; some ‘Quadruple’ Vaccinated
Not Since 1917 – Part VI
15 MAR 2022
We arrive at the final Part in this series which has focused on the invisible enemy’s tactics in Nazi Germany. This history offers a valuable guide for understanding the patterns and playbook of the enemy we are facing today. “You cannot leave a captivity that you cannot see.”
General Smedley Butler is a national treasure. He was the most decorated Marine in history and he used every tool at his disposal to expose the invisible enemy that we face today.
In 1934, he even dared to expose a fascist plot to overthrow the US government. One of the men he claimed was behind the coup attempt, was Prescott Bush.
One year later, the General made a speech which he then published as a short book, “War is a Racket”. For those interested, we featured this book in our article, Hegel, War, the Owl and the Slaves of Bohemia.
General Butler focused particularly on the exorbitant profits made by a handful of corporations after America was baited into WWI. His research offered the world a significant revelation.
General Butler died in 1940. Had he witnessed the horrors of WWII, I have no doubt he would have published a sequel. The lives lost, profits made, and debt incurred upon a sovereign nation, were significantly larger than WWI.
The invisible enemy General Butler identified was not arriving from across the ocean; nor was it arriving from the skies above. He was exposing one that was already occupying the boardrooms of many large corporations.
Message from an extremely successful businessman I know very well in the oil & gas industry:
Batteries, they do not make electricity – they store electricity produced elsewhere, primarily by coal, uranium, natural gas-powered plants, or diesel-fueled generators. So, to say an EV is a zero-emission vehicle is not at all valid.
Also, since forty percent of the electricity generated in the U.S. is from coal-fired plants, it follows that forty percent of the EVs on the road are coal-powered, do you see?"
But that is not half of it. For those of you excited about electric cars and a green revolution, I want you to take a closer look at batteries and also windmills and solar panels.
A typical EV battery weighs one thousand pounds, about the size of a travel trunk. It contains twenty-five pounds of lithium, sixty pounds of nickel, 44 pounds of manganese, 30 pounds cobalt, 200 pounds of copper, and 400 pounds of aluminum, steel, and plastic. Inside are over 6,000 individual lithium-ion cells.
To manufacture each EV auto battery, you must process 25,000 pounds of brine for the lithium, 30,000 pounds of ore for the cobalt, 5,000 pounds of ore for the nickel, and 25,000 pounds of ore for copper. All told, you dig up 500,000 pounds of the earth's crust for one battery."
The main problem with solar arrays is the chemicals needed to process silicate into the silicon used in the panels. To make pure enough silicon requires processing it with hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrogen fluoride, trichloroethane, and acetone. In addition, they also need gallium, arsenide, copper-indium-gallium- diselenide, and cadmium-telluride, which also are highly toxic. Silicon dust is a hazard to the workers, and the panels cannot be recycled.
Windmills are the ultimate in embedded costs and environmental destruction. Each weighs 1688 tons (the equivalent of 23 houses) and contains 1300 tons of concrete, 295 tons of steel, 48 tons of iron, 24 tons of fiberglass, and the hard to extract rare earths neodymium, praseodymium, and dysprosium. Each blade weighs 81,000 pounds and will last 15 to 20 years, at which time it must be replaced. We cannot recycle used blades.
There may be a place for these technologies, but you must look beyond the myth of zero emissions.
"Going Green" may sound like the Utopian ideal but when you look at the hidden and embedded costs realistically with an open mind, you can see that Going Green is more destructive to the Earth's environment than meets the eye, for sure.
I'm not opposed to mining ,electric vehicles, wind or solar. But showing the reality of the situation.
If a prophecy turns out years later to be accurate, is that not its own type of proof?
Thank you anon.
One wonders if we need a word for these special magical people, if prophet will not do.
What to call a special magical person whose predictions turn out to be correct with a probability strictly higher than that of random chance?
Full Circle, prophetic word given by Mark Taylor
19 OCT 2016
The Spirit of God says: "Russia, that's right Russia, I will use Russia, the United States of America and her allies, to take on the 4th Reich called lSlS.
For it has come full circle again, that's right again.
The New World Order is trying to rise and take its place, just
like they did in WWII, using the Nazi's.
They will try again using lSlS.
For this plague is spreading but not for long, for they will be wiped out for their wrongs.
For just as in WWII, America and her allies came in from the west and Russia from the east, so shall it be again to slay this so called beast, and it will be brought down to the least.
Some will say, "why would I use Russia?
Am I not the God of the cosmos?
I will use anyone and any nation I choose, whether some like it or not! I will not be put in a box!"
The Spirit of God says "The ties that were severed between America and Russia, will begin to mend and they will take on this so called Goliath and with one stone shall slay
it and all those that are behind it.
For it is not just lSlS they will fight, but the Elite, the
Globalists, and the llluminati who will be exposed by my light. For they are an enemy to the world and my agenda.
They shallfall with a mighty blow, so that my gospel will
begin to flow.
For they wear their flag as if it were a prayer shawl, so they will be taken down with my Shock and Awe!
For freedom and liberty will begin to ring, and the people will begin to sing, as healing and light come from my wings.
My people rejoice and shout, for my gospel is coming and will go through all the earth, and all the nations will know this is why My America was birthed!"
The Illegitimate and Tyrannical Biden Regime is now using the IC to harass the young man that presented the evidence of the existence of secret, illegal bioweapons lab created by Obama (via OSINT techniques); a claim which, despite Politifact's astoundingly incorrect and inaccurate reporting, has now been publicly confirmed on the record by Victoria Nuland and corroborated through a number of archived government documents which are publicly available on
The Biden Regime has actually gone so far as to interrogate one of his family members who happens to work in intelligence, and basically harass and insinuate that they were leaking classified intelligence to Clandestine.
But… wouldn't that mean that there was something there to leak in the first place? If there actually was nothing there to leak, if there were no illegal bioweapon labs, what could this relative possibly leak to Clandestine?
So in investigating this, the IC has actually just confirmed the accuracy of Clandestine's original reporting.
It should come as no surprise that the illegitimate and tyrannical Biden regime is now weaponizing the IC against truth-tellers, independent journalists, and freedom of speech. The Mockingbirds are MORE than happy to carry water for the Biden regime, and attack those who do the job of actual journalism far better than they ever could.
Dilyana knew.