this is based af. why can't we just do shit like this? just solve problems over a bbq, or tacos, or crepes and vodka?
ty note takers and bakers fr. ya'll keep this kitchen hot.
did y'all hear Owen Shroyer say today that Alex Jones was gonna be on a few popular podcasts? I smell a Joe Rogan podcast coming.
wow that's sick but I'm not even surprised anymore tbh
ain't no way HRC does yoga. she's built like a meaty pear.
caught in 4k downing one of the biggest glizzys I've ever seen. dude is slacking. he even got a lil drip on his lip.
I know hardcore dems who despised Killary and I know this will send the alarm bells in their heads ringing
do you guys think China and Russia didn't invade Ukraine/Taiwan under Trump because they had an agreement to not make him look weak. on top of securing biolabs of course. Biden keeps sticking his big livers-spotted nose in their business while NATO and other countries mostly back off. Makes him look so dirty.
this is badass
I'll start looking
watched this on the AJ show with spouse anon and we couldn't understand wtf she was saying
glad I met my spouse earlier in life. dating life sounds like hell these days.
Speaking as a female, I think standards are too high. Men retaliated by resorting to degrading and ignoring women. Both sides have their pieces of shit but from I've been seeing, this is the case. I met husbanon in hs. He didn't have a job so the life we have is the one we built together. Before marriage, he asked me to consider Christianity over Catholicism. I read the Bible and stepped into a traditional role. Most females these days won't even compromise on the little things. Imagine big decisions?
So, kamala's husband and Obama both have covid? They're gonna "go" soon? Seems like a setup for a "spread" in the WH.
Gm. Noice vehicle.