>ambassador markarova
Images fucked again?
>ambassador markarova
Images fucked again?
Same fucking problem, I thought Watkins had a new image server WTF
>ambassador markarova
I posted picks of her with Ukraine religious figures & same religious with a child in a classroom alone. Shit went sideways immediately. Coincidence?
1st pic
2nd pic
Strangly enough this pic was next in line
TY Anon
The way they are worshiping her is creepy.
Another EVIL witch I suspect.
Ukrainian ambassador receives standing ovation during Biden State of the Union address
Oksana Markarova, the ambassador of Ukraine to the US, was given a standing ovation at the US Capitol on Tuesday night during Joe Biden’s first State of the Union address to Congress. Markarova appeared moved as she thanked attendees, while the US president condemned Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s ‘tyranny’
Well well well
I just noticed something
We had a small storm and rain here…
Guess what?
The Birds are singing
When does a bird sing?
(Song related)