Time to make this witch a proverb? ⚡️Democratic PAC Accuses Trump of Breaking Campaign Law by Not Formally Announcing 2024 Run
Democratic super PAC American Bridge accused Trump of breaking campaign finance laws on Monday because he hasn’t yet formally announced whether he will run in 2024.
The group told the New York Times that it is filing a formal complaint with the Federal Election Commission and using Trump’s own words in the complaint, The Hill reports (https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/598109-democratic-group-accuses-trump-of-breaking-campaign-law-by-not-formally).
“He should have to adhere to the law in a way that all other candidates do,” Jessica Floyd, the group’s president, said. “When he says, ‘I’m going to do it a third time,’ that’s not flirting. That’s more than a toe dip.”
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