"The middoth are entirely mathematical beings."
-Isaac the Blind
>>15849813 (PB)
Might be an idea to target NPC useful idiots
Increasing psychological stress in NPCs may well be the only way to save them, to break them out of MSM satanic media mind prison.
[No need to proclaim the DU is a honeypot, a controlled hangout for NPCs, programmers/handler and dimwit spies – stipulated.]
Also that there are some real NPC posts in ditches like DU and those provide us with insight into the shifting nature of subjective MSM built pseudo reality.
We see how stress accumulates, identify cognitive weak points and facilitate that process memetically.
’’’Nobel prize winning cult totem’’’
Ivan Pavlov established a series of brilliant, sadistic, experiments, established wholesale reorganization of mind is cause by cumulative stress.
The result is the loss of all prior conditioning – along with the cultural OS – everything what we learned or absorbed unconsciously from satanist media.
FUD stress/"cognitive dissonance " is rapidly approaching point this shut down point for cult-controlled NPCs.
Pavlov commented"that the most basic inherited difference among people was how soon they reached this shutdown point and that the quick-to-shut-down have a fundamentally different type of nervous system.”
When that critical point is reached the NPC brain scrams the process, shuts down to protect itself, deletes the OS (worldview, opinions, automaticisims, habit grievances etc) and zeros the registers.
Leaving the former NPC basic with IO functions .
[tractable species]
NPC satanic conditioning (as programming) is low functioning durable and stress resistant.
UN good Orange man bad. Russia bad. Everything racist etc.
’’’Whatever, they eventually they all shatter.’’’
This a way to possibly save heavily conditioned NPCs, to free them from MSM satanic programming and (potentially) save their souls.
MEMORY DATA is retained. This is like keeping our data while tossing the OS and building a new on the fly up from basic I/O systems. Impossible.
Stll it does happen, we don’t do it, because God, who wrote the universal OS, makes it happen.
Compatibility issues can take a while to work out, access old memories in correct order etc- expect lingering malicious cult trojans in bios but sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly we reee Awaken.
The cult makes it sound like its hellish process they invented. They didn’t it’s a natural, God-given safety mechanism, an archaic structure; perhaps the built-in defense against mind virus infections
Perception inexplicable by world view.
Distortion warning.
Possible infection compromise OS
Initiating shut down, storing memories
Shutting down in 5, 4, 3, 2
Former NPCs are born again as new beings; as if like little children, the enter the world to come.
with a rapidly recursively self-improving understanding of the new spiritual reality.
To understand this reorganizational process on the basic biological level we need to absorb Pavlov's studies on fear conditioning. In which much is strange. Hierarchies of autonomous processes like [archangels] share energy/ information substance. Weird. second and third order cross firing things - elementals I guess anyways, much..