How in THE FUCK do you continue with Roseanne without Rosie? Face-fucking-palm.
They even got the conservative media in on it.
Everyone is "Trump NEEDS to fire Sessions".
Greatest Show of All Time.
I used to take Ambien.
If I took it, and didn't go to bed, RIGHT AWAY,
I turned into the Heath Ledger Joker.
Not kidding.
Scared my wife, she almost called cops.
Shit is NOT COOL.
Word to ya mother
Probably tapes of Swampy Daniels reading a script of her "interactions" with Trump. More FAKE BULLSHIT.
Very well aware I am.
One with the force I am.
Melting everything is.
Just a thought.
Sky Event?
Full Moon right now?
Can we do 10 days of dankness?
I posted because the "anon" looked like they were trying to doxx themself.
Computer comms over ham.
I got u.
What the fucks it matter when the habbenings habben?
Look at the cowards run and deflect and project.
It's a 3 Ring Clown Circus Shit Show out there and these fucking traitors are SCARED.
Remember a cornered and scared animal is the most dangerous.
They are losing.
okay you can be fags but YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.