Happy St. Patrick's Day.
Who couldn't enforce their own 12/21/17 EO? My assets were frozen in 2018, however. Why was I under federal investigation again?
Who put fucci in charge of the daily CV briefings?
Looks like a piker.
Sad thing is, the people they are targeting are in church.
Kek. I didn't know Jussie was that deep in it.
Sorry. I'm. Not too good at red text yet.
When you really realize who Putin is instead of muh headfake, you'll understand why you followed a false profit and a charlatan, NC.
Well, it don't cost a dime.
Don't get me wrong, muh head fake is a criminal too.
If that was true, Trump wouldn't have lied and looted. Unless they never thought she would lose.
I used to care. And.. I dindu nuffin. You know that though. You watched it not happen. I did something you don't like, but I didn't do anything wrong.
Just a psyop, nigga.
This was the BTA club you can't find in my yearbook. Back to Africa foundation was a comedy of an adolescent. You don't like it here, we'll send you back to Africa one negro at a time.
He was never the true face of this movement.
Anons are faceless. He was the break we needed from how fucked up the other side was getting. I had hoped they wouldn't do the exact same thing that caused this movement in the first place. They did. We caught them all. Let's see what happens.
Welcome back GOAT. Like you ever really mattered.
Shut the fuck up, faggot.
Add jihadi, John for a pair.
Ever notice how it is spelled CRIME A? Now, when did crime a occur? Was it the annexation?
I be that a little. That's what I hear. My only sauce is you're reading this right now, and I'm a nobody with no credentials. Only raw truth is what I've got for ya.
If there is one person I don't have to read about, it's the person you pretend is hunter biden.
ยง 7.4 Reporting suspected violations.
Commissioners and employees shall disclose immediately any suspected violation of a statute or of a rule set forth in this part or of a rule set forth in 5 CFR parts 735, 2634, 2635, 2640, or 4701 to the Designated Agency Ethics Official, the Office of Inspector General, or other appropriate law enforcement authorities.
That's how I play it, woman. You seem like a nice friend.
Who is is?
A know it all is soon pwned by a fake dummy.
Didn't Q say, "Together, we win. United not divided." Now, was Q government or conservative? Kek.
At least I didn't have to sneak my turn coat dream out in a rubics cube.
Free JA.
Know what I do with Intel I believe is unjust? I contact the OIG of that department while CCing every Intel agency within fveys.
Which ES set that up?
October blank this year could get interesting.