DNA Gets Artificial Upgrade to Store Humanity's Boundless Digital Data
>Scientists added seven new letters to the existing nucleotide alphabet, opening the door for extreme levels of data storage capacity.
cнıмеræ never end well.
it does.
he did.
remember that cute little Oath all anons thought so cute?
well… you all work[ed] for don.
then he betrayed his Oath to the Constitution,
by not protecting free and fair elections,
and you thereby.
don had the Authority.
don had the Duty.
prevaricate as you wish…
don faltered where abe did not.
donald john trump is a traitor to The Constitution.
<very good
мuн sıтснın
not impeached twice then¿
your definition of "truth" leaves a great deal to be desired.
theories of ethnic superiority are simply another control mechanism.
тяé§ assuмртıve.
ephemeral platitudes.
your enemy controls your election system.
don failed to secure it.
you will never have representation again…
if you ever had it.
you have no eyes
almost like it`s rigged, huh?
if that is the case, it was lost long before your arrival.
you do know you are too stupid to live, right?
fun нuн.
you have a severe psychotic fixation on "masons".
they are one tentacle
of monster you can not see…
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