I prey on shills, it is my utmost of utmost life purposes. Y r u upset that we make them cry in a corner for calling them on for being cheap prostitutes and betrayers of humanity?
Has Gavin Newsome been on TV lately? Ever since RRN announced his execution there was that 1 event he went to then absolutely nothing. Same with all of the other announcements, after RRN makes an article, that person is never seen out in public again except for obvious doppelgangers.
I'm down to be proven wrong if you wanna post some sauce.
Notice how they don't show him talking on camera? They just used some stock footage of him in a warehouse then cut off to some random tables of him talking which can easily be forged. Need better evidence.
Yeah it was just his voice, they cut away from him during the talking. Was just a voice overlay on-top of footage of some tables. Voices can be easily manipulated.