This might be obvious to others, but for me it FINALLY sunk in.
We're supposed to read the Q drops in backwards order!!
go to
it'll show the latest Q drops first. Imagine ALL the drops are like a book. We're supposed to start reading the drops from the end and go to the start!!!
The timeline of events to come make SO MUCH sense, once you read the drops backwards (think mirror).
The second last drop simply said Durham. I think Durham kicks it off. The last drops are all about beginnings! There's a YouTube link to a shuttle launch. There's "Shall we play a game?". All the last drops are about beginnings, and the first drops are about the endโฆ.
The first drops are about arrests (HRC, huma, etc); civil unrest and the national guard; POTUS being insulated on AF1. The FIRST drops describe the chaos of the end game.
FUCK this is so obvious that I'm actually mad at myself.
Read the Q drops in backwards order and we get the whole script to the movie!
Seriously, go to right now and try it!