Good morning frens. Been having some big sads lately. I feel like I've come to the realization that the prison planet theory is true, at least to some extent. I just can't see any other plausible conclusion for all of this shit, how shitty reality is. I'm aware there's beauty and love and kindness, but it is far overshadowed by the one rotten apple ruining the bunch.
I didn't choose to be here, and if I did I can't remember choosing. I'm aware I choose to be here every day I don't kill myself, but thats not much of a choice, and its evil to have that choice forced upon me as well. You can say that people just need to choose to collectively end the evil, but again, thats not much of a choice either. Theres not much I can do alone, theres not really a clear target of what to do (or who to do it to) besides keep improving myself. But I feel like improving myself is pointless as well. If we're just collections of dense energy, if we're just a reflection of the all, then whats the point? I already contain everything within myself. I wouldn't be improving anything, just changing my state.
I feel like I have a question or plea I dont know how to word besides