Can someone lay out the evidence that the Q account Truth Social is actually Q?
I'm not trying to argue, I'm legitimately asking for the evidence so I can decide whether it's actually Q. Unity? Frens?
unless you're a shill trying to sow disunity.
glowing? because I'm trying to figure out the real info from the disinfo? 'cause I don't just randomly believe what I'm told? you glow, shill. filtered.
Is that it? That's not exactly "mathematically impossible". Q should just post his trip code here and end the debate.
Trump can't ban all Q accounts but only leave the real one. Too obvious.
Anyone can line up an account creation with a delta. Anyone.
Why are you so aggressive? I'm just trying to figure things out so I can help in this war we're all in.
but is that the ONLY thing?
Has the truth social Q posted anything where it's undeniably Q? Like timing with Trump posts or something? anything?
at least you gave me information. everyone else is telling me to deep throat the cack and tongue the balls while I'm down there.
thanks anon
All my posts you linked, there's literally nothing "shilly" about them? I'm just a guy trying to figure things out.
God this place sucks sometimes. Sometimes you get like-minded people trying to figure out the information war and other times it's just a retarded echo-chamber of retiredness.
I'm not allowed to wonder if Truth Social Q is the real Q?
>Echo chamber
>news aggregator
Totally agree. I think the reason people WANT to believe TruthSocial Q is the real Q, is because it gives them hope. It feels like Q is talking to us again, and feels like the old days.
But the evidence that it's the real Q is so weak. And the shills who get angry about questioning it make me doubt it even more.
I'm asking FOR facts, though? There's no evidence that TruthSocial Q is the real Q. He said no outside comms.
There's a red ice radio segment on Alex Jones, speculating that he's compromised. Because back in the day (early 2000s), he was legit. Now he's so obviously compromised that it's painful to watch.
This place used to be so fucking awesome back in the day.
The shills are so sophisticated now. Before they were just spam bots, but now they pay humans to sow disunity among us, like this guy. Impressive.
that fucking gif KEK. that's how I feel whenever someone tries to convince me truthsocial Q is real Q. Even though I want to believe it so hard.
I unironically find gnomes and leprechauns creepy.
Is it just me or does 8kun seem extra mean this morning?
Whatever happened to CodeMonkeyZ project Odin?
The argument that Q can't post here with his tripcode because this site's compromised is weak.
I mean, this Q movement is essentially digital. The NSA has the dirt on everyone, "they let phones in", etc. But they can't fix their issues here? I don't buy it.
Until Q posts with his tripcode here stating that he moved to Truth Social, I just can't get behind TruthSocial Q. My gut just tells me it's bullshit.
Yeah. I mean Mike Pence was Trump's VP.
An Anon months ago once said something like, "In the end, many of the people we hated were on our side, and many of the people we loved we against us."
At this stage in the war, who the fuck knows who's a good guy. The only people I trust are Trump, Trump's sons, Q. Can't say I trust Ivanka tho, since that Jared Kushner dude is SKEEEEEEEEETCHY.
I don't believe that JFK jr is alive, but there's SO many odd connections between Trump and JFK jr. That theme song Trump always played before rallies was JFK jr's favourite song.
Also, there was a YouTube channel that analyzed all of JFK jr's old magazines. And there seems to be lots of code that pertains to now or the near future.
I think upcoming Storm has been in the works for decades.
it began with the forging of the great ringsโฆ
The mass migration into Ireland makes me sad. Everything Irish being eroded away. Such a beautiful people, culture, and language; and we have to just watch it fade away.
This must be how it felt for Tolkien's elves; to watch the fading. Only I can't sail to Valinor. I just have to endure.
This is interesting, because we know the "virtual" part is to hide Biden's mental deficiencies. But it would set off a media firestorm if Biden got covid. Which means Biden's handlers told the Irish leader to say he had it.
Everyone's fucking lying to us. Every single day the lies.
Why do politicians do that thumb thing?