Just spitballin here, advise against reading if easily blackpilled.
Still can’t wrap my head around who actually benefits (or benefits most) from the Russia/Ukraine bullshit we see goin on. I like to think Putin is crushing the deep state headquarters and liberating the citizens of Ukraine and coincidentally the world which would be a major blow to the cabal NWO satanists. However, China, India and Russia among (apparently) 23 other countries which account for 60% of the global GDP, are moving away from the US dollar in their trade agreements. Rightfully so being that the federal reserve has continued printing money out of thin air devaluing not just American citizens worth but anyone who utilized US dollars.
The shit going on in Europe has expedited this readjustment of currency. The NWO needs a currency reset and shifting towards digitizing said currency in order to implement their social credit system would further tighten their grip on power. Have white hats been out maneuvered or is this where gesara/nesara comes into play?
We (mainly, Us citizens) may be in for a stark revelation in the near future in terms of top GDP countries where the USA no longer reigns supreme. If our currency is not desired/accepted by other countries what then could we use to purchase items/goods. The only goods we would be able to purchase would be those that are produced/grown/manufactured in the US which would be severely limited being that we are a country full of consumers not producers and we import much more than is exported (like a lot more) from my understanding.
The recent news coming out of Texas regarding the border wall and it’s sudden re-start seems interestingly timed. If our dollar becomes nothing more than something to wipe shit off our asses and we see hyperinflation on par with third world countries, many city folk won’t be able to provide for themselves and may flee the country only to find that shiny new wall in their way and some blue helmet wearin fag on the other side laughin their ass off. Staying and fighting sounds great but who would be fought, the vacant shelf in a grocery store where food once sat in abundance or a drive through that sits motionless and empty?
Many people simply lack the skill set and/or tools needed for survival when shit hits the fan, all by design of course.
While this may be far fetched or close to the “worst case scenario” side of our future, I believe it is not only possible but plausible as well. In which case, this should be taken into consideration when planning one’s future.
Regardless, I’m comfy but still appreciate the “fuck you shill/you may be on to something” feedback