You complain that I am aggressive????????????
Who started???????????
Did I?????????????????
Listen to me……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….I will kill all of you and your family, b/c I can.
You complain that I am aggressive????????????
Who started???????????
Did I?????????????????
Listen to me……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….I will kill all of you and your family, b/c I can.
Till humans walk in and start wars, and nuclears…………..
This, dear………….
Same as this bv, premiditated.
w/ intention.
I promise that Will forgive them all.
bv is a cock sucker.
bv is a retarded monkey
bv is a piece of shit
bv suck cock for money
bv is a monkey that fucked his mother.
bv is so stoopid that puts clock to ring to see when it is dark.
bv eats sheet to see if it taste like sheet.
bv it is so stoopid that puts watch on other hand to see what time is on other side of the triangle flat globe.
bv is so stoopid that puts other tards to speek for them.
bv is so tarded that voted for obama, 3 times.