Sarah almost lost it and got emotional when a little kid was allowed to ask her (from the press pool) what the admin was doing about school shootings
it's like a comedy routine…hilarious
I just read the announcement and although it's a great step, it's not cures…it's just the right to try investigational drugs.
The bill amends Federal law to allow certain unapproved, experimental drugs to be administered to terminally ill patients who have exhausted all approved treatment options and are unable to participate in clinical drug trials.
Eligible drugs must have undergone the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Phase I (safety) testing.
The bill requires any manufacturer or sponsor of an eligible investigational drug to report to the FDA on any use of the drug on a “Right to Try” basis.
The FDA will post an annual summary report of “Right to Try” use on its website.
The bill limits the liability of drug sponsors, manufacturers, prescribers, or dispensers that provide or decline to provide an eligible investigational drug to an eligible patient.
what if the planets were in other dimensions, so that when you look at them you are looking into the past? what if CERN was a wormhole?
well according to my mother's oncologist, there were no cures for her…and yet, I know now that there are – they just can't prescribe them because it's against the law. Whose law? the fucking FDA.
will this Sky Event involve leaving my body?