YOU are the un-fuckable/infallible word of god, fren :)
All of "Man-Kind" is "God" as we were "Created in his image"
This is the "Infallible word" of god - its your body. This is why those who study the THEOLOGY of the Bible know better than to defile our bodies with things like shots ect.. ect…
Bible = 2 papal bulls
Its just the compendium of two papel writings - old testy and new testy…
"Mana from Heaven"
The morning dew brought the mana from above - it was a "Gift from the gods"
You notice the "Aquarius" symbology? You will notice that same symbology in soylent green - its all about timing of current events….
z (American) = 3 (Russian)
World war 3 (The continuation of WW2 - war to end all wars)
It was like a handshake - the russians went to the boarder and waited for someone on our side (Probably Trump and Co since Biden doesnt have nuke codes) and once our side confirmed that we saw them and the plan was good, the Russians put a Z on their tank (Its English, so it was for english speakers) so that was a sign to us, to say we are all on the same side (Anons, russians, spec ops from many countries involved) So the Z was confirmation that the US wouldn't wipe the Russians off the map once the operation started. Now the Z and red tape is being used to identify friendly forces as the Ukrainians speak Russian and drive their vics ect.. ect…
Do you Christians realize that Jesus was a Jew first?
Did you realize that the bible wasn't written until AFTER his death by like 300 years?
If you are a real Christian, walking in the "LIGHT" of Christ - shouldnt you be interested in the truth? So as to be "Set free"??
He spoke Aramaic - and spoke to and with a crowd that spoke a lot of the same language… What did that language evolve from and to?
If you were interested in the truth that Jesus speaks then you would also be interested in where he obtained his materials
You may want to look into the Summerian Epic of Creation or their flood myth.. LOL
Jesus is still a Jew by decent - but if you pay attention to what he was doing, like teaching folks to grow their food at the feast of 5,000, he was teaching the good people back then how to defeat the same system of slavery that we are entrenched in now. I guess people would call it "Communism" now, but it was the same system then, just under different names and stuff. At least, this is how I see the information represented to me