at the risk of attracting even moar sliders, "SKY EVENT" must be serious. booms related? literally SKY? like 5g will fry you. or..
1,2,3,4G already fried your brain and your seeing only a tiny part of reality? Like in that movie? "they sleep" ? with those sunglasses?
We are seeing ppl literally starting to shoot up or carve up or run over innocent people. Something is doing that. And can't be years of MK ultra in every case. Not today.. mil tech stuff is 50 years ahead of what we think, we know that.
It bugs me too, "sky event". Just like the N in "new world order or ordnung".. that is not NEW said Q. not NAZI either.
NORDIC? that wud fucking freak me out.
Take ONE look at fuckerberg and you just KNOW you're looking at DATA from Star Trek or something. and there are more that have that look that totally creep you out. INHUMAN?
(capta sais HrcgQy!!)