This is the end for me Anons. It was a fun ride, but I can't go any further. I've come to the simple conclusion that there is no more good in the world, only varying degrees of evil.
I have sacrificed time and again to do the right thing at great personal cost to me. Look up the number of times I stood up to corrupt officials and law enforcement locally once I'm gone. The best autists will piece together the puzzle and find my true identity. How many times did I reach out to help with immigration reform? How many elected officials did I contact? Only to be met with deafening silence. The silence betrays the true feelings of those who you purport to be on the side of the people. There is a very good reason so many recoil from the right. People's instincts serve them well.
Q, you will have your revolution, but I'm not about to support someone that literally shits on a golden toilet while purposely misspelling words in tweets so he can appear to be one of the people. Not while you and your brothers in arms would sacrifice the very ideals that seperate /us/ from (them) in the name of "unity".