Anonymous ID: 205337 March 18, 2022, 9:32 p.m. No.15895835   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5859


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Devin /@DevinNunes 03/19/2022 00:14:26

ID: Not Available

Direct Link: 107981259834657917

Karli Bonne’ / @KarliBonne 03/18/2022 16:52:38

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Conflict of interest? Where’s Hunter #EnjoyTheShow 🍿

Anonymous ID: 205337 March 18, 2022, 9:33 p.m. No.15895840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5851 >>5894 >>5899 >>5927


Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 / @DanScavino 03/19/2022 00:18:58

ID: Not Available

Direct Link: 107981277662131268










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Anonymous ID: 205337 March 18, 2022, 9:40 p.m. No.15895871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5877 >>5878 >>5881 >>5882 >>5888 >>6120 >>6132

ICYMI: "Ballot Bombshells: 20 episodes exposing fraud, illegalities and irregularities in 2020 election"


==Ballot Bombshells: 20 episodes exposing fraud, illegalities and irregularities in 2020 electi


Illegal rule changes, ballot harvesting, Iranian voter hack are among the many now-confirmed serious irregularities, putting the lie to the "perfect election" narrative


After the 2020 election ended with Joe Biden declared the winner, the federal cybersecurity agency declared it was a perfectly secure vote. Months later, federal prosecutors admitted two Iranian nationals hacked into a state’s database and stole the identities of 100,000 voters in an effort to influence the election.


Likewise, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers declared it was “outrageous” to think his state’s 2020 election needed to be investigated. Now, two separate courts have concluded that state election regulators illegally changed rules, allowing tens of thousands to cast ballots in an unlawful manner.


And that probe Evers so stubbornly resisted just provided evidence of fraudulent vote-collecting operations that exploited vulnerable residents in nursing homes.


Georgia’s elections chief similarly expresses confidence to this day in his state’s declaration that Joe Biden won in 2020, but he now admits the state’s largest county ran a vote counting operation so dysfunctional that the state may take over the county. He also has launched a probe into potential illegal harvesting of ballots that he says may result in prosecutions.


And Arizona, one of the first states to move to no-excuse mail-in voting years ago, has now begun an urgent effort to return to traditional in-person voting with paper ballots after investigations called into question more than 50,000 ballots cast in November 2020 and tens of thousands more verification signatures.


For more than a year, Democrats and their allies in the corporate media have decried what they call the “Big Lie” that America’s 2020 election was flawed or stolen. But almost weekly now, revelations are emerging that the election was, in fact, marred by illegalities, irregularities and mismanagement like former President Donald Trump has argued, leaving a nation increasingly doubting the reliability of its election system.


A recent poll found that 40% of Americans no longer believe in the legitimacy of the winner of either of the last two presidential elections, a stunning number for a country globally held as the gold standard for constitutional republics built on democracy.


"We have a lot of work to do," former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell told Just the News on Wednesday. "And so I never sugarcoat this, because there's substantial voter dissatisfaction with the the lack of security of our ballots. And they are very concerned that folks who are voting are folks who are not eligible to vote. And so you can't have a system where illegal ballots negate the casting of legal ballots."


The 2020 election results almost certainly won’t be reversed, no matter how widespread the calls for decertification grow. But the opportunity to take the many failures of the last election seriously to improve Americans’ confidence in voting in the 2022 and 2024 elections looms large, experts told Just the News.


"We need to make sure our voting rolls are clean," Wisconsin State Rep. Janel Brandtjen told Just the News. She oversees the Assembly committee on election integrity and blasted Democratic Gov. Tony Evers for vetoing legislation designed to fix many problems identified in the Dairy State.


"At this point, there is no downside to cheating in Wisconsin, when you have a governor that's shutting down a lot of the things that we've thought in the past as Republicans and Democrats that would make a fair and transparent election," she added.

Anonymous ID: 205337 March 18, 2022, 9:41 p.m. No.15895877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5888 >>6120 >>6132


Here are 20 of the most important revelations uncovered by Just the News over the last 15 months of reporting, complete with substantiating evidence and links"


  1. A Foreign Intrusion. Federal authorities have confirmed that two Iranian nationals successfully hacked into a state computer election system, stole 100,000 voter registrations and used the data to carry out a cyber-intimidation campaign that targeted GOP members of Congress, Trump campaign officials and Democratic voters in the November 2020 election in one of the largest foreign intrusions in U.S. election history. The defendants "were part of a coordinated conspiracy in which Iranian hackers sought to undermine faith and confidence in the U.S. presidential election," U.S. Attorney Damian Williams declared in an indictment.

  2. Alleged Bribery. The former state Supreme Court justice appointed by the Wisconsin Legislature to investigate the 2020 election concluded that millions of dollars in donations to election administrators in five Democrat-heavy municipalities from the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Tech and Civic Life violated state anti-bribery laws and corrupted election practices by turning public election authorities into liberal get-out-the-vote activists. “The Zuckerberg-funded CTCL/ Zuckerberg 5 scheme would prove to be an effective way to accomplish the partisan effort to 'turnout' their desired voters and it was done with the active support of the very people and the governmental institution (WEC) that were supposed to be guarding the Wisconsin elections administrative process from the partisan activities they facilitated,” Justice Michael Gableman wrote.

  3. Illegal ballot harvesting in Wisconsin. Gableman also exposed an extensive vote collection operation, known as ballot harvesting, in nursing homes in which third-party activists illegally collected the ballots of vulnerable residents, some of whom lacked the mental or physical capacity to vote or were forbidden from voting by guardianship agreements. State election regulators “unlawfully directed the municipal clerks not to send out the legally required special voting deputies to nursing homes, resulting in many nursing homes’ registered residents voting at 100% rates and many ineligible residents voting, despite a guardianship order or incapacity,” Gableman wrote in his explosive report.

  4. Ballot harvesting probe in the Peach State. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has announced he has opened a criminal investigation into allegations that liberal activists engaged in illegal ballot harvesting, collecting ballots from voters and delivering them in violation of state law. Raffensperger said he is planning to issue subpoenas to identify a whistleblower who admitted he engaged in the operation, and there could be prosecutions. The True the Vote election integrity group says in a formal state complaint that the man, identified as John Doe, admitted his role and identified nonprofits who funded it at $10 per ballot delivered. The watchdog group also claims it has assembled cell phone location records pinpointing the alleged harvesting by as many as 240 activists.

  5. Bad voter signatures? A review of Maricopa County's mail-in ballots in Arizona's 2020 presidential election estimated that more than 200,000 ballots with signatures that did not match voter files were counted without being reviewed, more than eight times the number the county acknowledged.

Anonymous ID: 205337 March 18, 2022, 9:41 p.m. No.15895878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5888 >>6120 >>6132


  1. 50,000 Arizona ballots called into question. An extensive audit by Arizona’s Senate officially called into question more than 50,000 ballots cast in the 2020 election, including voters who cast ballots from residences they had left. The tally in question is nearly five times the margin of Joe Biden’s victory in the state.

  2. Illegal ballot drop boxes. A Wisconsin judge has ruled the widespread use of ballot drop boxes in 2020 was unlawful, and the state Supreme Court let that ruling stand. That means drop boxes can’t be used in future elections starting in April. It also means that tens of thousands of ballots in the 2020 election were cast unlawfully.

  3. Foreign voters found on Texas rolls. An audit of Texas voter rolls identified nearly 12,000 noncitizens suspected of illegally registering to vote and nearly 600 cases in which ballots may have been cast in the name of a dead resident or by a voter who may also have voted in another state. Officials are now in the process of removing the foreign voters and deciding whether prosecutions are warranted.

  4. Foreign voters found on Georgia rolls. An audit by Georgia’s Secretary of State has identified more than 2,000 suspected foreigners who tried to register to vote in the state, though none reached the point of casting ballots. Raffensperger says prosecutions may be forthcoming.

  5. Unconstitutional mail-in voting. The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court has concluded the state law that opened the door to no-excuse mail-in voting in 2020 was unconstitutional and that mail-in voting can only be enacted by a constitutional amendment. “A constitutional amendment must be presented to the people and adopted into our fundamental law before legislation authorizing no-excuse mail-in voting can be placed upon our statute books,” the court ruled. About 2.5 million voted by mail in Pennsylvania in 2020, votes now called into question by the ruling.

Anonymous ID: 205337 March 18, 2022, 9:42 p.m. No.15895881   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5888 >>6120 >>6132


  1. More noncitizen voters. The Gableman investigation in Wisconsin also found noncitizens had made it onto the state voters rolls in violation of state law. The Wisconsin Election Commission failed “to record non-citizens in the WisVote voter database, thereby permitting non-citizens to vote, even though Wisconsin law requires citizenship to vote — all in violation of the Help America Vote Act,” the investigator wrote.

  2. Ballot chain of custody issues. The Georgia Secretary of State's office has opened an investigation into the handling of drop box ballots last November in one of the state's Democratic strongholds following a media report that there were problems with chain of custody documentation in DeKalb County.

  3. Fulton County irregularities. Georgia’s handpicked election monitor for Fulton County, the state’s largest voting district, documented two dozen pages of mismanagement and irregularities during vote counting in Atlanta in November 2020, including double-scanning of ballots, insecure transport of ballots and violations of voter privacy. The revelations prompted the state to take steps to possibly put Fulton County in receivership, empowering state officials to run the elections. Most of Fulton County's election officials have left their jobs.

  4. Errant vote counting. Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp referred the audited November 2020 election results in Fulton County to the State Election Board after multiple reviews found three dozen significant problems with absentee ballot counting, including duplicate tallies, math errors and transposed data. Kemp’s referral calls into question hundreds of ballots in the official count.

  5. Dirty voter rolls. Michigan’s official state auditor has found that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson failed to adhere to state election law by properly updating and reconciling Michigan’s qualified voter roll. This oversight, according to the audit, increased the risk of ineligible voters casting ballots.

Anonymous ID: 205337 March 18, 2022, 9:42 p.m. No.15895882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5888 >>6120 >>6132


  1. Illegal exemptions from voter ID. The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled as many as 200,000 voters were allowed to illegally skip voter ID for absentee ballots by claiming they were indefinitely confined by COVID when there was no such legal authority to do so. Biden beat Trump by about 20,000 votes in the state.

  2. Uneven enforcement of election laws. The Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau identified more than 30 problems with the administration of elections in 2020, including unlawful orders and uneven enforcement of the law and urged lawmakers to make sweeping improvements.

  3. More illegal harvesting. In Arizona, a half dozen people have already been indicted on charges of illegal harvesting in a probe by Attorney General Mark Brnovich that shows signs of expanding. It comes after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected Democrats' arguments and concluded Arizona’s ban on harvesting was constitutional.

  4. Voter fraud in Michigan. Michigan charged three women in connection with voter fraud schemes, including efforts to cast ballots on behalf of non-consenting nursing home residents.

  5. Still more nursing home fraud. In Wisconsin, Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling announced his investigators have secured evidence that eight out of 42 residents at a local nursing home had been recorded as casting absentee ballots that their families said was not possible because the residents didn't possess the cognitive ability to vote.


Here is a required reading list for anyone interested in the above issues:


The Gableman Report




Iranian Hackers Indictment




Pennsylvania court ruling striking down mail-in voter law




Georgia state memo on irregularities in Fulton County vote counting




Kemp referral on erroneous vote counting


Review of Inconsistencies in the Data Supporting the Risk Limiting Audit Report.pdf


Georgia Ballot Harvesting Complaint


120121_Complaint_Trafficking_General_and_Run-Off___4_ (1).pdf

Anonymous ID: 205337 March 18, 2022, 10:02 p.m. No.15895978   🗄️.is 🔗kun

General Flynn Takes ReAwaken America Tour San Diego Attendees Surfing!!!



Anonymous ID: 205337 March 18, 2022, 10:40 p.m. No.15896095   🗄️.is 🔗kun



🇦🇺💪Scott Morrison's house right now on Kirribilli!


🇦🇺💪Lets Go Scomo!

10.1K viewsedited




🇦🇺💪The crowd chants #SackThemAll at Prime Minister Scott Morrison's house!





🔴🇦🇺🇷🇺Arson attack against Russian School in Kogarah, Sydney, Australia






Protesters dropping truth bomb on Ukraine at the gates of Scomo's house in Sydney!"😲🇷🇺🇺🇦


⚠️🇦🇺Australians protest at Prime Minister Scott Minister's House at Kirribilli in Sydney under heavy police guard.

Anonymous ID: 205337 March 18, 2022, 10:47 p.m. No.15896106   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Expect hundreds of raw videos to emerge within the next few weeks of local Ukrainian civilians thanking the Russian army for liberating them from Ukrainian neo-nazis.


The fact that Scott Morrison sent missiles and $105 million of Aussie tax payer's money to a neo-nazi Ukrainian regime will haunt him forever.


The Australian people did not support Scott Morrison's decision.


Respect to the people of Australia who are wake.


When the fog of war clears the world leaders will be judged by history and their actions;


Those leaders who maintained neutrality or supported Russia will be on the right side of history.


Those Deep state NWO leaders who armed, funded and supported the Kiev Regime will be remembered and identified as servants of the Kabal.


@AussieCossack channel subscribers - congratulations your awake and on the right side of history

Anonymous ID: 205337 March 18, 2022, 10:50 p.m. No.15896109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6120 >>6132 >>6149

🇨🇳China has lashed out against 🇺🇲US military for sending billions of dollars of weapons to 🇺🇦Ukraine!


Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said that China is sending only humanitarian aid to Ukraine: milk, blankets, baby food.


In China's opinion the weapons supplied by America are unlikely to return peace and stability to the region.


The Chinese Foreign Minister also noted that the attempts of the American authorities to put pressure on China because of Ukraine are irresponsible and useless, they will not be able to change the position of the Chinese leadership.


PS Well done to China for not bowing to pressure from the NWO coalition states

Anonymous ID: 205337 March 18, 2022, 10:51 p.m. No.15896110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6130 >>6136 >>6138 >>6140 >>6141

In another sensational sign that Russia has broken free from the clutches of the New World Order Vladimir Putin has ordered all COVID-19 related mandates and restrictions to be abolished!


No masks


No vaccines


No QR Codes


No testing or temperature checks


The Deep State are in Deep shit!


Vladimir Putin is holding the line for Freedom around the world!


Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobianin announced the abolishment of mandatory anti-COVID measures, such as regular temperature measurement, installation of dividing partitions and masks.



Anonymous ID: 205337 March 18, 2022, 11:01 p.m. No.15896136   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Moscow cancels masks and COVID requirements for businesses starting March 15


Moscow cancels masks and COVID requirements for businesses starting March 15


MOSCOW, March 15, 2022 (BSS/TASS) - Masks and mandatory anti-COVID

measures for enterprises and organizations, based on the Moscow mayor's

earlier decree, are set to be abolished in the Russian capital starting from

March 15, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin said on his blog on Tuesday.


"The stable improvement of the epidemiological situation allows us to make

a long-awaited decision. As of Tuesday, March 15, 2022, we are abolishing the

requirement to use protective masks. In addition, mandatory anti-COVID

measures for enterprises and organizations, established by a decree of the

mayor of Moscow, are abolished: regular measurement of the workers' body

temperature, installation of separation partitions at workplaces, and so


Anonymous ID: 205337 March 18, 2022, 11:02 p.m. No.15896138   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Cancellation of anti-COVID measures

16 March, 10:46

Ирина Мишина



Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced the complete abolition of anti-COVID restrictions. From March 15, the wearing of masks, regular temperature measurement of employees of enterprises, installation of dividing partitions at workplaces is not mandatory.


Tell me how one can get sick now, if covid is actually officially has won?


Irina Mishina, journalist


"Red zones", separate entrances for patients with symptoms of SARS, QR codes, all this is in the past. The mayor of Moscow declared victory over covid.


Personally, I did not win covid. On the contrary, he defeated me. I got sick a week ago and I'm still sick. Yes, and PCR was positive, and the temperature was under 39, and a cough with suffocation. And the queues at the clinic are the same as before, their mayor also could not win, unlike covid.

Anonymous ID: 205337 March 18, 2022, 11:03 p.m. No.15896141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6151


Covid-19: Moscow cancels masks and requirements for businesses starting March 15

Covid-19: Moscow cancels masks and requirements for businesses starting March 15

Editor16/03/2022 6:12 AM 0


MOSCOW, March 15 (NNN-TASS) — Masks and mandatory anti-COVID measures for enterprises and organizations, based on the Moscow mayor’s earlier decree, are set to be abolished in the Russian capital starting from March 15, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin said on his blog on Tuesday.

Anonymous ID: 205337 March 18, 2022, 11:07 p.m. No.15896148   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6315

Putin officially canceled the coronavirus pandemic


Against the background of the tense geopolitical situation, news about the situation with the coronavirus in the country has almost completely disappeared. Joking opinions are increasingly being expressed on social networks that President Vladimir Putin has destroyed the coronavirus strain with his political actions.


In fact, the coronavirus, which has been written about a lot over the past two years, has almost lost its ability to infect. It has become so weak that it passes into a class of diseases that are of a standard seasonal nature, like the flu or another cold. To protect yourself from it, it is not necessary to vaccinate the population, it is enough to strengthen the immune system.


Based on this, for example, a decree has been signed in the Republic of Tatarstan that mandatory vaccination for the population will be canceled from tomorrow. As the chief sanitary doctor of Tatarstan Marina Patyashina points out, the collective immunity of the population is already 80 percent.


Therefore, it really does not make sense to carry out mandatory vaccination. Earlier, the authorities have already reported that the incidence in the region is gradually falling. The number of new cases has been decreasing for the last few weeks. At the same time, anti-weed restrictions will not be completely abolished yet.

See also Coin Race: The Best Winners / Losers of January


Today, the Mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, announced that Moscow is abolishing the mandatory requirement to wear protective masks.


This suggests that the authorities in different regions are beginning to understand that the coronavirus has already become a seasonal disease, so strict restrictive measures are useless. In addition, they provoke a strong strain on the medical system in the regions, and many patients do not receive proper medical care. Most likely, similar measures will be taken in other regions, where there is also a decrease in the number of coronavirus cases.


In order to resist coronavirus as a seasonal disease, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, and for this you need proper nutrition, exercise and vitamins. Thanks to them, the immune system will have a powerful defense against coronavirus infection. Vaccinations against coronavirus are no longer necessary, so as not to cause even more harm to your body.

Anonymous ID: 205337 March 19, 2022, 12:08 a.m. No.15896289   🗄️.is 🔗kun


  • Intel reports: 🇺🇦💸💵💴💶💷💰🇺🇦


While the Ukrainian people are used as cannon fodder by NATO & the collapsing Kiev Regime, top Ukrainian politicians have fled the country to their pre-prepared foreign "stash" funds courtesy of the Deep State.


The Russians are coming and the rats are running from the ship:


  1. Zelensky V.A. – Parents, relatives of Zelensky and his wife fled abroad.


  1. Poroshenko P.A. – only in cash about $ 1 billion was taken abroad. More than $2 billion is on foreign accounts. The children were taken to the UK.


  1. Kuchma L.D. , son-in-law of Kuchma Pinchuk V.M. – more than $3 billion is on foreign accounts in Italy, the USA and other countries. All relatives and Pinchuk himself fled abroad.


  1. Avakov A.B. – more than $2 billion is in other countries. All relatives were taken abroad.


  1. Yermak A.B., Head of the Office of the President. About $1 billion is on foreign accounts. The family is in the UK.


  1. Timoshenko K.A., Deputy Head of the Office of the President – More than $1.5 billion is transferred to foreign accounts. The family fled to the UK.


  1. Lutsenko Yu.V. , Former Prosecutor General of Ukraine. More than $800 million is transferred to foreign accounts. He is with his family in the UK.


  1. Yatsenyuk A.P., Former Prime Minister of Ukraine. More than $2 billion is on foreign accounts. Yatsenyuk and his family are in the United States. He purchased 15 luxury cottages in Miami.


  1. Akhmetov R.L., oligarch. His fortune is about $15 billion. In 2021, he “earned” $6.5 billion by raising utility tariffs, electricity and energy prices. The funds are located abroad. The family is abroad.


  1. Kolomoisky I.V. and Bogolyubov G.M., oligarchs. More than $6 billion is abroad. Families are abroad.


  1. Korban G.B., a raider, an oligarch, the main culprit of the salient in Ilovaisk and the death of thousands of military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. More than $1.5 billion is transferred to foreign accounts, the family lives in Israel.


  1. The Klitschko brothers (Vitaly and Vladimir) – oligarchs. More than $2 billion was transferred to foreign accounts. Families live in Germany and the USA.


  1. Yaroslavsky A.V., oligarch. More than $1 billion is on foreign accounts. He and his family are in the UK.


  1. Kosyuk Yu.A. , the oligarch, the owner of the company "Mironovsky Khleboprodukt" . More than $1.6 billion is transferred abroad. All relatives were taken abroad.


  1. Turchinov A.V. , former Acting President of Ukraine. More than $1 billion is on foreign accounts. The family fled abroad.


  1. Nalivaichenko V.A. , former Head of the SBU. More than $500 million is on foreign accounts. The family lives in the USA.



Anonymous ID: 205337 March 19, 2022, 12:16 a.m. No.15896309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6312

ArchiveAnon ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Forwarded from

Pepe Lives Matter 🐸

(Pepe Lives Matter)


Russia presented more evidence at the UN Security Council today.

He says they were funding "components for biological weapons created in the territory of Ukraine."


Citing the P781 project studied they are alleging that they were experimenting with the "transmission to humans of diseases through bats…6 families of viruses were identified including Coronaviruses…"

Coronaviruses….nothing to see here.


US response:

This is malarkey, there are no biological weapons programs in Ukraine, this is a dark conspiracy theory.


So why did they try to hide the "research facilities from the public? Why did they fear Russians getting ahold of their "facilities" if there's nothing to hide?




Anonymous ID: 205337 March 19, 2022, 12:23 a.m. No.15896325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6334


Forwarded from


Remember their names:These are the 50 former "intelligence" officials who colluded to interfere in the 2020 election by signing a letter saying that Hunter's laptop was a Russian plot:


James Clapper (Former DNI)

Michael Hayden (Former CIA Director)

Leon Panetta (Former CIA Director)

John Brennan (Former CIA Director)

John McLaughlin (Former CIA Director)

Michael Morell (Former CIA Director)


Marc Polymeropoulos

John Sipher

Doug Wise

Nick Rasmussen

Russ Travers

Andy Liepman

John Moseman

Larry Pfeiffer

Jeremy Bash

Rodney Snyder

Glenn Gerstell

David Buckley

Nada Bakos

Patty Brandmaier

James Bruce

David Cariens

Janice Cariens

Paul Kolbe

Peter Corsell

Brett Davis

Thomas Finger

Roger Zane George

Steven Hall

Kent Harrington

Don Hepburn

Timothy Kilbourn

Rick Ledgett

Ron Marks

Jonna Hiestand Mendez

Emile Nakhleh

Gerald O’Shea

David Priess

Pam Purcilly

Chris Savos

Nick Shapiro

Stephen Slick

Cynthia Strand

Greg Tarbell

David Terry

Greg Treverton

John Tullius

David Vanell

Mike Vickers

Winston Wiley

Kristin Wood


Nine further "intelligence" officials colluded with those listed above but decided to remain anonymous

Anonymous ID: 205337 March 19, 2022, 12:33 a.m. No.15896346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6351

Harris Faulkner goes NUCLEAR on-air over Hunter Biden-media scandal



Anonymous ID: 205337 March 19, 2022, 12:43 a.m. No.15896371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6381


Mate, I post news from around the world. That's it.

All you want to do is talk to me and try and make it personal, for what ever emotional void you have in your voraus belief system.

I'm not interested.

You make me physically sick, I want to throw up right now.

Back off and fuck off.