Jack's glowing here
you come up wtih this all on your own, anon?
I call bullshit on this
Trips confirm you should rethink how you look at folks who give you information and whether or not your feels are more important than the information.
are they about to shoot down starlink and blame it on Russia?
trying to put my feelz aside on this oneโฆ
It was just today someone pointed out Russian planes are noticeably absent from the skies in Ukraine. All of a sudden POSO's having one of his moments, blue checks are coming out of the woodwork with this theory, and we're seeing "mig-31 spottings"?
The whole thing stinks like yesterday's diapers. Maybe you're right, but muh gut tells me starlink was always part of a bigger plan.
then why pump out an article suddenly saying one with anti-satellite tech was spotted?
it all just seems contrived I guess.
that's fucking funny
if our raptor's are the fucking cool, just imagine how cool the shit we don't know about is