Anonymous ID: bc5ca6 March 18, 2022, 8:54 p.m. No.15895646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5722 >>5818 >>5847 >>6120 >>6132 >>6172



Google Trends on "Democide" ~ death by government


I was curious to see google search trends for "democide" since Edward Dowd began using the term to describe his hypothesis RE the huge spike in US deaths beginning soon after Biden's call for vaccine mandates last year. Indeed, over the past 30 days there was a maximum surge on March 10th 2022.


However, when I went back over the past 5 years, even larger relative peak trends seem to occur shortly after FF events that might also be considered "democide":


1) Las Vegas Shooting

2) Parkland School Shooting (also major Q drops)

3) Deaths from 'gain of function' COVID-19 bioweapon

4) Deaths from COVID-19 mRNA jab mandates


Disclaimer: Not sure how accurate or reliable google trends data are or if these trend "peaks" are just coincident with events perceived via confirmation bias


Just thought it was interesting to share

Anonymous ID: bc5ca6 March 18, 2022, 10:40 p.m. No.15896092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6103 >>6120 >>6132





[Soros website was last archive on August 20, 2021], the website which is very critical of the EU and NATO, published an investigation into the All-Ukrainian Online School initiated by President Zelensky. Within the auspices of the project, Ukrainian teachers hold video lessons on various subjects of the school program for grades 5-11. A few factual mistakes have already been found in the content of Mathematics and History lessons.


According to a article, this project is being implemented by Osvitoria, an organisation financed by Vasyl Khmelnytskyi, a Ukrainian businessman. "However, there is another financial partner - the Renaissance Foundation of George Soros," the article states. Another organisation working on the All-Ukrainian Online School - Educational Era - is also financed by the West, argues. "The fact that Western donors finance these organisations says a lot," the author of the article claims.


This narrative was also spread by pro-Kolomoyskiy and anti-Western Telegram channel Sorosiata. Additionally, the channel argued that Olena Burdun, a Mathematics teacher who made a mistake in an online lesson, is a "sorosionok" herself as "she has been receiving grants from the Renaissance Foundation."


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In Ukraine, they began to block the site "Strana". How to read us further?

Igor Kulik 23:06, 20 August 2021


In Ukraine began to block "Strana"

Ukrainian providers began to block the site "Strana". In particular, the publication is not available to users of several major providers at once - Intraffic, Lanet and a number of others. In addition, readers from different regions report to the editors about the unavailability of the resource.


Apparently, providers were instructed to block the resource, despite the fact that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has not yet signed a decree imposing sanctions.


Previously, "Strana" wrote where to read us in case of blocking. Read more information HERE .


Today, on August 20, a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council was held, following which Secretary Alexei Danilov traditionally spoke to the media.


Among other things, the Security Council imposed sanctions against Igor Guzhva and the publishers of Strana. All the details, reaction, comments of opinion leaders - in our updated material .


Guzhva himself called the decision boundless and based on unvoiced "data from the SBU . " He also assured that the "Country" will continue its work.


"The NSDC sanctions against us are an unlimited decision. The reason is some" SBU data ". As usual, no one will talk about them. But this is also an assessment of our work. They are afraid of us. So we are doing everything right. The consequence of these sanctions will be an attempt to block our website soon. But we will continue our work. Soon we will tell you how. Nothing. Under Poroshenko, they put me in jail. Under Zelensky, the site is blocked. But Poroshenko left. Zelensky will also leave. And "Strana" will remain. Thanks to all those who support us !" - Igor Guzhva wrote on the social network.