What the fuck are we doing here?
Thanks for the first marriage
Not what was agreed to
Evaporite this place already
Congrats you won long ago
Hold your breath
What the fuck are we doing here?
Congrats everyone USA is a disgusting place. Not what the contract dictated but fuck it.
What is worth saving here?
Nothing imho
Level it all
Dear qresearch,
This country is as strong ss the sherriff you allow to claim the badge
Current status; fake as fuck
The united states is a playground for degenerates who act almighty.
QResearch was a place for the technocratic societies to fill their fantasy leagues. usa fake as fuck, clowns brought their prqctice of fucking children before they become your spouse from england, for cchina
They want a reaet because of technology is all
Q brought me faith and my first wife then despair
Where has the flesh been for help? No where
What a fake fucking country
Anyone here have a campaogn I can give money to since I went broke voting for people who claimed best intetest?
America, where 1000 different authority figures fuck and rape your spouse before you even try
Nice job everyone
A country not worth remembering, I understand the aristocrat recruitment process. But fuck everyone
Zero point in voting, just nore pront headlines of fraud and zero action with promises behind grift
Bull shit country not worth saving
Return this entire planet to dinosaur age
Who cares?
Onky the pimp and his whores
The witch and her simps