Same to you, Swordanon!
Well, it's something. A gentleman has lost his business/livelihood over this. So much so that "@q" has asked for contributions to a givesendgo for him.
>In B4 "It's a movie, silly goose!"
I know that.
>>15895676 (pb)
>>15895694 (pb)
>>15895815 (pb)
>>15895672 (pb)
This really needs further discussion. It can be really difficult to parse friend/foe (and at times it really doesn't matter; information does), and the Elon/Jack/Starlink/John Robb/Anon observance in this post in a very important part of developing discernment.
What if he already did? Would you be able to interpret it and help others understand what things are they way they are?
Man, I just proof-read that post. I butchered it all up. Needs more covfefe.
Here's my coffee riddled take on it.
Ukraine = Hotbed of asshattery and corruption from DS peoples
Russia = Waits for Biden to become pResident to do something. Says it's going "by the plan" or something to that effect.
Ukraine takes it up the border from Russia, loses half it's country in no time.
MSM and American Gov't (not it's people, necessarily) are going all to help Zelensky[y]
Elon deploys Skynet, which Ukraine quickly uses to hook their drones up to. This is part of the plot for Terminator, here.
Some anons are scratching their heads cuz "Elon!"
Other anons are going "Uhhhh… drones using hard-to-target Low-orbit high speed Skynet = bad".
Jack gets called a glowy for pointing out that someone else pointed this out.
Elon Musk, meanwhile, appears to be trying to get Mars habitable as the ultimate escape plan.
Is this about right? Seems so.
Vaccine = Freedom.
Virus = Communism.
"He speaks in parables", blah blah. "Let those with ears hear", blah blah.
So your take is Elon is a phase shifter meant as a trap for very specific targets because NCSWIC. Sounds plausible that Starlink is a Space Force tech, and Elon's the chosen front man for the job considering previously assumed club status.
disinfo is necessary and all that.
You're suggesting that Q and team would implement a plan that would lead normies to killing themselves? Think about that a sec.