Anonymous ID: 517754 March 19, 2022, 9:07 a.m. No.15898061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8064

>>15897605 (lb)

Part 1

Religions, dogmas, ideologies, are all "theories". "Everything would be perfect if just…."My religion/idea". "

People who align themselves with "the crowd" want to back "The Winner"

The herd mentality is real

People feel safe in the herd

The sheep herders are politicians, priests, CEOs, civic leaders, doctors, teachers etc. (Those with "the knowledge")

People can be led to an action, or accomplish a task, if they identify with a common goal/outcome that they believe will benefit them, or harm them if they fail.

WHY were the pyramids built? Because the Pharaoh wanted one.

HOW were the pyramids built? By the hands of people guided by the ideas of the priests of Egypt

Was the Pharaoh really "God" as the Egyptians believed? (Do "we" worship Pharaohs still?)

Did the Pharaoh "really" use all his gifts and riches in the afterlife that were entombed with him?

Is the practice of mining, refining, and making gold jewlery, to be reburied with a Pharaoh for "eternity" really efficient, practical or beneficial to starving masses? (No)

Who does building an enormous "Kingdom" benefit more, the Masters or the Slaves?



Anonymous ID: 517754 March 19, 2022, 9:07 a.m. No.15898064   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Part 2

The world of humans is now ruled by an enormous Monarchy.

The world of humans is built on the idea of supporting an enormous human Monarchy

Realms are subdivisions in the Monarchy

Political realms

Religious realms

Politico-Religious realms (see: Judaeo-Christianity aka Zionism)

We live in a giant hierarchy with homeless drug addict "whores" at the bottom and Kings/Queens, Presidents, Senators, UN Officials, Bankers, Professors, Mafia Bosses, etc at the higher levels of the "Pyramid"

These hierarchies control their spheres of influence with dogmas, codes, creeds, religious philosophies, "science", ideologies, and blackmail.

Each Sphere projects dualism (Us "good" vs Them "bad")

The Spheres war against each other, rallying their members with cries from the past

"Remember the Alamo!"

"For God and Country!"

"…they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!"

"All for one, and one for all!"


But what does an army rally for, if not for battle?

Who's team are you on? Who are you ready to "die" for? Why are you choosing a team?

Does Jesus want you to kill for him? Does Yahweh want you to die for him?

Can a Monarchy change hands from a corrupt ruler to an non-corrupt ruler?

Is there such thing as an non-corrupt "ruler"?

Is a monarch-less society even possible? Have we ever tried it?

No thing or human is perfect, and the relentless pursuit and drive for "perfection" becomes the enemy of "good".

Dualistic thinking, Us vs Them, Good vs Evil, leads to war, death, and tragedy, by design, to elevate an ideal or a King/Clan

There is no "Qanon", ergo (((WWG1WGA))) is merely a "clan" identifier in a war

(((MAGA))) is a clan identifier indicating you've chosen a side, instead of choosing NOT TO FIGHT to create another Emperor

There is really only TRUTH and those who seek it

TRUTH doesn't need a war-fighter to kill and die for it

TRUTH defends itself, as it is self-evident

When the sun is up, it's daytime…truth

When the sun goes down, it's nighttime…truth

Individual self-defense is a biological imperative…not a "privilege" controlled by "the government"…truth

You don't need a dogma or doctrine to fight over for thousands of years to reinforce those ideas

Good is a communal "idea" (I love pork, but that doesn't make it "good")

Evil is a communal "idea" ( I hate cilantro, but that doesn't make it "evil")

We are taught to discern good from evil by reading from a book written by unknown authors, with unknown motives and agendas

We are taught to fight for those agendas, not knowing why, other than "Good vs Evil"

We are taught that fighting and dying to "kill evil" is the hallmark of "good", and that "good" is the winner, so be "good", whatever that means…even if you die…

Real life isn't that simple though. Chanting WWG1WGA doesn't make a person "good". Refusing to choose between Trump and Biden doesn't mean one is evil

One of the many "factions" in the war for global domination are the Zionists, following the Judaeo-Christian guidebook, the holy bible (OT + NT)

Many people say that the triple-parentheses is antisemitic "code" for Jews. It seems to me that it is code for (((Zionists)))

Zionists strive for a predicted (by them) ideal global order wherein Israel becomes the center of the Global Dictatorship of 'god', overseen by his "chosen people"

Zionist believe this outcome is "GOOD".

Zionists will kill or destroy anyone or anything that stands in the way of making "their ideal" become reality, ergo opposition to Zionism is "evil"

Zionist present the bible as "the only truth" that matters, and will lie to you with a straight face, as long as it supports their desired outcome

(((Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead, kill everything no matter how "good" or "holy" as long as we get our desired outcome)))

(((Q+))) is a Zionist

Q is probably a Zionist created/controlled operation

But Truth is Truth, and has no allegiance to Prince or Pope

^^^All of the above is just the opinion of one anon seeking truth, not a fight

