Ukraine is their proxy to commit and cover up their (TPTB) corruption. They will hand Taiwan over to their Chinese overlords on a silver platter. They will only feign support for Taiwan, so be ready for that. Anyway, if/when China gets control of Taiwan. that’s when it’s going to get really sketchy around here.
When people were kneeling with BLM, Taiwanese people were marching in their streets carrying American flags and trying to do whatever they could to get support to maintain their independence, so I disagree with >Fuck Taiwan.
As for why it matters, for one global trade. If China controls Taiwan then they have total control over trade that goes through Taiwan and it’s a helluva lot in case you didn’t know. Taiwan is in a very strategic location. Also, Taiwan is the world’s #1 producer of semiconductors. Most people believe it’s China, but Taiwan’s semiconductor production dwarfs China and anywhere else on the planet. If China controls Taiwan, get ready for shortages and skyrocketing prices of anything and everything that uses a microchip.
He’s done got got one time and, if he keeps on, he’s gon get got again.
That’s why we come here. Anons helping other anons. We all have bits and pieces of wisdom and knowledge. When we put it all together we get toHIVEMIND. We just leveled up anon.
Well yeah, it kind of goes without saying. I mean, even John Roberts is better than Sotamayor. Same principle applies here.
YW and I stole your meme.
I don’t think Taiwan is in cahoots with the cabal like Ukraine is. That’s why China will take Taiwan with little or no resistance. There certainly won’t be the sam outcry about it like there’s been with Ukraine. There will be feigned support for Taiwan, just for the optics, but they’ll let Taiwan be a sacrificial lamb.
I have alopecia. Male pattern baldness. What about me?