They be first to sell their souls for Benjis and waterfront mansions. "Reparations", they probably rationalize. They are also the most racist manhaters of all time.
lol…..All because they can't meme worth a damn.
"J6 Insurrection Hestitancy"
"How can we craft the J6 Insurrection into 'The Thing'???"
Why do our guys keep missing the real objective of the J6 FF? A panicked, sloppy and rash attempt to cut off any and all Constitutionally required debate and agreement over the Electoral College votes? Under no circumstances could the Video 'Absolute Proof' be allowed to be shown before Congress, and by extension the American People/the World, as had been planned.
Also, who runs Taiwan? How many of those '336 U.S. biolabs' that were revealed by CHYna are located in Taiwan? Does CHYna have a clear and present danger in the form of a biological attack from Taiwan? Are we about to see Xi enter Taiwan and drain moar Swampland?
Are we are witnessing the complete takedown of every mosquito-infested Swamp of the DS/Cabal by an unprecedented and most historical covert and coordinated series of actions Worldwide by ALL THREE SUPERPOWERS??
"Australia and Taiwan Biolabs next?"
Then why did CHYna specifically reference "336 biolabs" in "30 different countries" which all coincidentally happen to be concentrated along the borders of Russia and CHYna? Which 30, or 28 not counting Ukraine and Georgia, countries was CHYna talking about? What countries "border" CHYna? There are 14: Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Vietnam.
But which other countries close to CHYna have received decades of attention from CHYna? Which of these countries have had a half century or moar of strong U.S./Western ties? Considering what we've learned about Ukraine, why WOULDN'T the U.S. have included these counties in its Biological Threat Reduction Program?
We [they] might even be considered "The Great Satan"….When Poso tweeted that "All of us" will be held to account over what has been done by our Country (akshually, the evildoing Nazis who staged the coup d'etat in 1963, Poppy and Co., and who proceeded on a 60-year rape, pillage and plunder AND WORSE tear around the globe), he has a point.
However, that culpability should be reserved for those WHO KNEW or SHOULD HAVE KNOWN what was going on for 60+ years. Not the brainwashed and conditioned American People.
Poso, whether he realized it or not, was talking about himself and all those others who wear, or have worn, the uniform, and those civilians who also took the oath to support and defend the Constitution.
Before the dust really settles, the U.S. Military and IC must give the American People and the rest of the World, an accounting of how the greatest military in the history of the World, as well as the U.S. Government, allowed itself to become so compromised and evil beyond imagination.
Until that accounting is fully made, people of conscience will never be able to rest.
Queue up the nasty tranny getting knocked out cold by the Russian military/policeman gif.
Awesome. Can't imagine American conditioned and apathetic sheep ever doing this during an NFL game. I guess the Second Amendment must have tagged us early for max programming.
This is just an indicator of the PANIC upon realizing 10 days ago that ALL THREE SUPERPOWERS have been covertly working together to bring the whole f***in' diseased, corrupt temple down on [their] heads and that NCSWIC.