There is an entire gaslighting problem anytime CP is discussed. 99.9% of people will fail to recognize where this inevitably leads, which is to 'thought crime'. We can easily agree that those producing 'source' material would be guilty of crimes. We can somewhat agree that those paying to see it would have a level of guilt, even though they were not directly involved. We can agree that downloading or posting an illegal image is illegal, but now there is already separation between the victim and the crime: no one was harmed by the download or the post. We all accept that these societal lines should not be crossed, just as we accept that possession of an illegal drug is illegal even when no one was harmed. So the law drifted into preventing future crime by punishing non-crime. Many of us accept that even viewing CP is illegal, if it was intentional, but I doubt if we could articulate why other than moral repugnance. Did you fap to it…definitely a crime. Did you immediately close it and say a prayer…no crime. Now it is in the realm of thought-crime, and the ridiculousness that follows. Is cartoon CP as bad as 'real' CP? Is anime to be judged by how big the (artwork) bewbs are? These are the silly discussions anon has seen on here, as people continually are aghast at what other people think. It is very dangerous territory to tread down.
For the record, I absolutely support the policies of this site, and how it handles the issue. I have also watched the creeping legal quicksand that this issue has created, WHICH THE NARRATIVE CONTROLLERS USE to gaslight you into what things you should be triggered about. Constant vigilance is required to prevent yourself from going NPC on certain issues like this one. War for another one. Self defense for another one. DO NOT GIVE THEM THIS LEVERAGE. Think for yourselves about whether someone was actually harmed when a young-ish anime picture was drawn or posted to a forum. They call them slippery slopes for a reason.