the colors also explains why blue or green works for the owl while only gold would work for the bank turtle and red for the "blind" fox.
Stereo types of the military, I snapped it from the Plinkett review where he mentioned it and felt it wonderfully captured the way the creators of the film view the military. _ They view themselves as "information people" people with "open eyes" and they were and are in a fight with the military of the USA.
Really? you don't think it means things? Well I could go into deep compositing to explain why Avatar is important and how it was a part of a larger plan to get away with all the videos they knew the good guys had (making videos more realistic and 3d means nobody could prosecute anyone with videos cause of how good CG would get) but the better point to make is relating James Cameron's role in Titanic and Princess Di's death "I'm king of the world" was not ad-lib -
Also it was the 12th Podesta that took down the titanic - we are on the 14th Podesta - A much earlier podesta was still a pedophile
look closely at the black and white one for some subtle imagery... sigh