To Hell with These Leftists
You probably shouldn’t write while pissed off, but I don’t really have the luxury to wait. I also doubt there will be any time before my deadline when these complete jackasses on the left aren’t doing something so worthless I wouldn’t revel in seeing them dive into a swimming pool only to discover there’s no water in it. They’ve turned me, and I’d guess one hell of a lot of other people, into people who literally can’t stand anything they’re pushing.
I honestly couldn’t care less about someone’s sexuality, never really gave a damn about it. As such, I have a lot of friends who happen to be gay. But their being gay doesn’t define who they are any more than being straight defines who I or my other friends are. I don’t care what some adult does with their genitals – I’m very live and let live. As long as who you do it with is of age and willing, you have to explain it to God, I don’t.
Thanks to the progressive movement’s determination to “divide to conquer” the American public, so many activists are now their sexual orientation. That they’re gay defines who many people are, which makes them incredibly boring and pathetic.
I know, I’m supposed to be supporting and caring, I’m just not. If your existence is so wrapped up in how you have sex, you’re a loser. If how you have sex plays an overriding role in your existence, your existence isn’t interesting to me. No amount of pressure is going to change that.
If you make up some pronouns and expect me to pretend they’re real and you’re not mentally broken because your parents didn’t love you enough, you’re going to be disappointed. I’d suggest you adopt my attitude and simply not give a damn, your life is going to be lonely and miserable if you spend it seeking validation of your existence from others – even if you get it, it’s fake and never enough.
If you’re a man pretending to be a woman, I don’t care. If you’re introduced to me as “Betty” with a full beard and bass voice, I’ll call you Betty. But that will likely be the only time we ever speak. I don’t have time for people’s delusions; reality is not based on your belief in it, nor is it dependent upon it. It just is. If you choose some other way of living, have fun, I’m not interested.