Anonymous ID: ded0e9 March 20, 2022, 3:53 p.m. No.15907092   🗄️.is 🔗kun



anon talked to a C_A agent once, that anon is aware of. friend of a friend. met him when he was boozing w friend. learned that he was unmarried (likely homo), went to georgetown, had had worked in the peace corps… so anon immediately figured he was C_A, since he checked all the boxes.


so anon called him out on it, and he didn't deny… only said that lots of people think he works for the C_A.


anon told him that that agency was not working for the good of America, and he said there were lots of factions in the C_A, which is what anon suspected.


the place needs to be gutted, and fifth columns removed, or disbanded altogether.


BDW seems intelligent and patriotic. anon would trust him more if he dumped on the agency a little, and publicly trashed the traitors in its ranks.