Gentle Jesus join my journey
When I lay me down to sleep.
I would gladly sleep forever
In your kind keep.
(how's that?)
The message that Jesus spoke about, it was meant for them. They will never forgive or forget. They will forever hunt down and try to kill or harm their enemies or in this case, flip the story around that the jewish lead (president and prime minister) Ukraine is now subject to historical judgments from Israel over who did what to the jews and now have to pay a consequence for. Sad. Forgive and forget. It's better to make frens than enemies. Decent people don't go around keeping blood feuds alive. Let it go is the best thing to do.
I hate the news. They will never use the word terrorists on them or shooter, just another drive-by report about a drive-by shooting that will never be held to the same light as others because then it becomes clear that it's a problem.