When I go to Heaven, I'm gonna fuck my Aryan wife in the AASSSSSS. Get triggered, shills!
stfu clock fag. God dammit you're useless.
I guaranTEE you this anon thinks that the holocaust actually happened.
Trump said the vaccine is safe. Stop doing mental acrobatics.
Are niggers allowed to smile in photos, or will they get their chain stolen if they do?
the fattest chick in the picture? who gives a fuck.
Thanks for proving that clockfags make worthless content.
it's hilarious when shills pretend they're not shills. Just like this shill right here. Everyone filter this idiot.
Trump: "The vaccines are safe."
Anons: "This is code for, "The vaccines are not safe"
clockfags don't arrange shit by any order. It's just random jumbles with the loosest of correlations, that doesn't even add up to a coherent message. Fuckin' worthless.
nice lies, shill.
there's no way a chick that fat can keep an ass that huge clean. There has to be fart residue in that crack.,
meanwhile your mom took you to the doctor and you got a shitload of vaccines but you conventialnetly forget about them
inb4 durrr no I didnt durrrr
yeah you did. OWNED
googling. "the vaccine kills people" doesn't count. Leave the echo-chamber.
8kun is nothing but an echo-chamber these days. If you say the truth (that the vaccine is safe) the echo chamber gets triggered and people call you shill and filter you.
You're no different than liberals.
If this site had a ban feature like reddit, you would've banned already for challenging the false narrative that the vaccine is bad.
echo chamber much?
Like Q said, the truth isn't for everyone. Now be a good cuck and click filter. There you go, that's a good cuck.
I did actually and we're all healthy. OWNED and DEMOLISHED by reason and basic logic.
you got there by googling "vaccine bad" fag. OWNED.
farting too hard can cause miscarriages. Confirmation bias much?
you sound like a liberal telling me that climate change is real LMAO
imagine pressing your black butt against the glass and shitting chicken all over it. That frog wouldn't be able to do a FUCKIN' thing.
yup. Keep googling "vaccine deaths", ignoring all the truth, then cherry-picking articles just to prove your shitty point. That'll convince us.
Quick! Consult a clockfag graphic and tell me when Durham is going to release his findings. I'll wait.
>how dare you
tell me you can throat 10 inches of thick meat without saying a word
LOL did you really get triggered 'cause I insult your frog? you sound like a muzzle
Well it fun trolling you guys. I think I got at least 50 (you)s this time. It's literally WAY too easy to trigger you guys. I know all your buttons.
I'm gonna go eat some dinner, and come back to troll you whenever I'm bored again.
Keep the (you)s coming'. I win whenever you give me another one.
The vaccine is safe. Deal with it.