It’s Been 80 Days Since Maxwell’s Conviction and Not a Single Child Rapist Client Has Been Arrested'
March 20, 2022
In an article by Gaby Hinsliff from The Guardian, Hinsleff called for the spotlight to be turned to the rich men Ghislaine Maxwell trafficked girls for. That was 80 days ago and there has been no such spotlight. In fact, darkness now encompasses the entire case.
Survey Finds Astounding Number of Americans Are Willing to Risk Nuclear War With Russia Over Ukraine
March 20, 2022
“New Pew poll on Ukraine war: Thirty-five percent of Americans support the US ‘taking military action even if it risks a nuclear conflict with Russia.’ (62 percent oppose.),” The Washington Examiner’s chief political correspondent Byron York wrote on Twitter noting the survey’s results.
Same. And big butted brunettes are my fave. Just looks whoreish 98.9% of the time. Imagine the children. "My Mommy's a whore!" Turn off af
The Depopulation Blueprint: Viruses, Vaccines, VAIDS and WW3
March 16, 2022
As our global systems are continually undermined to facilitate the Great Reset, national security apparatuses stand in the way. Secret services with their insider knowledge may derail the globalist project while the rank and file of militaries may heed rising nationalist sentiments to overthrow their corrupt governments. How will the global oligarchy pre-empt this clear and present danger? One clue was indirectly provided by Prof Luc Montagnier, who won the 2008 Nobel Prize for medicine over his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Russia warns of 'false flag' attack by Ukrainian nationalists on US diplomats
Sat, 19 Mar 2022 12:00 UTC
The Russian military claims it has uncovered a plot by Ukrainian hardline nationalist groups to target the diplomatic facilities of the US and other Western nations in the Ukrainian city of Lvov. The alleged discovery was announced by Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov during a media briefing on Saturday.
McCarthy: Schiff 'lied' about Hunter Biden's emails, won't be on Intel committee in GOP House
"Adam Schiff lied to us one more time," McCarthy said. "Why is he still chair of the committee? And why is he even on the committee? In a new Congress, if it's a new majority, he will not be. You cannot make this committee political. You cannot use it as a position of a chairman to lie.
US quietly backtracks on Russian oil ban
<Fri, 18 Mar 2022 17:00 UTC
The US has been vocal about restricting Russian oil imports, but sources say an actual ban is unlikely as it would further propel gasoline prices, which are already record high.
Here. Just in case.
Wow, OK, you're a retard. See ya. Wouldn't wanna be ya…
Covid Vaccine Spike Protein is a Pore-forming Toxin
<Sat, 19 Mar 2022 17:08 UTC
This is the first in a series of posts in which I will outline the potential mechanisms of spike protein toxicity and vaccine side effects and brainstorm actionable steps vaccinees can take to protect against these effects or heal from them.
'No logical explanation' in cattle mutilation at Oregon ranch
<Mar 16, 2022
Carter said it is hard to imagine anyone would have come onto his property, killed a bull and then cleanly cut off specific body parts.
Reality Check: "100 day vaccines" are NOT possible.
<Mar 11, 2022
They want us to believe the “next pandemic” will have a safe vaccine in three months. That flies in the face of reality.
The America First Movement has a Sean Hannity Problem
<March 20, 2022
It is one thing to see the Democrats eagerly join the CIA, State Department, and Pentagon in demanding the escalation of U.S. involvement in the Ukraine-Russia conflict. That alignment makes perfect sense politically—why wouldn’t the left align with the same national security state that embraces all of its values, and which has repurposed itself to target the left’s domestic political enemies on the right?