>The worst thing according th fake news is the murder of journalists
the worst thing according to the police is the murder of cops
huh…. GO FIGURE!
>The worst thing according th fake news is the murder of journalists
the worst thing according to the police is the murder of cops
huh…. GO FIGURE!
i'll bet Jesus is real proud of your humanity and your compassion.
when you meet Him, don't forget to ask Him about His feelz when He was crucified. that's vital info you cannot do without.
it's from an OLD episode, DIM….
> I'm gonna look up this episode because I know it doesn't exsist
oK then… just pls make sure to get back to us when you find out it DOES "exsist."
fuck that shit… small potatoes (kek). where's WEINER'S laptop?
>Gold will do great, but nowhere near Ag.
"Predictions are difficult… especially about the future." – Niels Bohr
>There was never a time traveling episode with young grandpa and Homer in fucking Ukraine.
you mean you didn't find one, in your exhaustive 10 minute search. don't care to argue with you, but your statements do NOT constitute proof or even a valid argument. it's of very little significance either way.
>the future belongs to those who show up
old russian saying… "the best revenge is outliving them."
honestly, i think it's FUCKING GREAT that men are demolishing women in head to head competition.
i hope it goes on for however long it takes to get the last holdout feminazi to publicly admit that women CAN'T do everything as well as men.
maybe that's part of "the plan" all along. sure is working.
yes… some of us have. pro tip: "some of us" DOESN'T mean just you.
the motor city madman… nugent for president.
>link found between vax resistance and sympathy for russia
>link found between getting vax and wanting to nuke russia
stupidity bordering on insanity
i did, but it did not materialize.
there was NEVER a global flood caused by 40 days and nights of rain. THAT is fact.
even if true (doubtful), NOT PROOF OF A GLOBAL FLOOD. other explanations exist.
>How is that proven, exactly?
far more easily than the converse. but this forum is hardly the place to do it. the bible is a book. it's a good book. it's NOT sauce. try reading some other books. get doctorates in geophysics/paleontology and get back to me.
>high iq twat
LOW IQ twat, lower IQ post. it will buy even more RINOs, now that dems have publicly shit themselves. fuckwit.
going by the pic in the upper right, there are 14 bricks in a layer, and each stack appears to be 6 layers deep, and there appear to be at least 8 stacks, for a total of 672 bricks. going by the pic in the upper left of the guy hold one brick in his left hand approx shoulder height, i would guestimate the size of that brick at 2x5x12 inches for 120 cu in per brick. that volume of gold would have mass of approx 38kg or weigh 84 lbs. i seem to remember somewhere that 84 lbs is the weigh of the bullion bars in the treasury, so if we go with that, times the approx number of bars, we get 56,500 lbs. remembering that the price of gold per oz uses TROY ounces, that's about 820,000 oz (troy) of gold. at $2000/oz that's about $1.64B.
give or take….
must be common core mathematician. my grade… F– you're off by a factor of ten.
The internal conflict that arises when the mind over-rules the body's need to strangle the living shit out of an obnoxious asshole.
showing your mistakes does NOT get any extra credit. go back to public school, and claim your participation trophy.
see >>15909592
>Why is this degenerate crypto-kike in the notables?
to focus attn on dems and draw it away from RINOs.