Reposting my post from last night as it directly applies to Lieu being a brainlet:
>>1584429 (last night)
Thoughts on Trey Gowdy:
1 deminsional thinking
Trey Gowdy is simply playing devil's advocate to bait liberals into liking him so they listen to him as an impartial jurist.
3D Grandmaster Chess
Listen to his wording. (Paraphrasing) "The FBI did what they were supposed to do with the information they were given" and "it has nothing to do w/ President Trump." The keywords here are "information they were GIVEN" and "nothing to do w/ President Trump". In other words the FBI did the investigation based on info they were GIVEN. Given by whom? Clapper? Brennan? Obama? (To make this 1 layer deeper u can interpret "the information they were given" as the information they were given about Hillary/Obama regarding the current clandestine investigation into them) Which leads into the second notable statement "nothing to do w/ President Trump" ie. The information given to the FBI that Gowdy is referring to is the information on Hillary/Obama.
This is how you can say something w/o lying or at least how you convince yourself you're not lying; focus on certain words that can have a dual meaning. In this case Trey Gowdy can be just talking away about the Trump campaign Spygate scandal and when he says "the investigation that the FBI is doing is completely justified based on the information they were given" he can rest his mind on that phrase thus why he can say it with such a smile. This is where Clapper always failed; he tried to do this but paused to long to convince himself and made it completely noticeable. Well that and he's a cuck.