The two events are unrelated. They do have the aircraft type in common. will get you most drops related to Rich Russell, aka Sky King. A search for 'SSN-687' will give you an interesting twist.
The two events are unrelated. They do have the aircraft type in common. will get you most drops related to Rich Russell, aka Sky King. A search for 'SSN-687' will give you an interesting twist.
Sky King provided cover for the destruction of the platform used to launch the Skunk Bay Weathercam missile.
Q 1845:
Autists catch the message?
Do you believe in coincidences?
Q 1869:
Calculate probability.
What is the mathematical probability that a rogue MISSILE launched at/near the runaway plane?
Was he a trained pilot?
How fast did intercept occur?
Think MISSILE intercept.
Think aircraft.
Outside of standard deviation?
Do people travel to islands to [Fish]?
How many billionaires own islands?
How many billionaires live on islands?
The pilot's name: "Richard B Russell"
Q1728, Q1729, Q1730 July 27 discuss Skunk Bay launch with image
Q1746 July 28 mentions unauthorized launch
Q1845, Q1846, Q1847 August 11 mention Q400 incident
Q1869 August 14 more on missile and Q400
Q2350 October submarine and missile images.
I imagine the Q400 cover story and mission planning took a few weeks.
>The dude is still alive.
>He's a crisis actor.
I'm going with military special operator or clandestine operative. He shows up later in an apparent surveillance role shadowing a voting machine company executive.
>It determines altitude, speed, and your location. Inside of it is a kill switch.
What is described here is an inertial navigation system component. Even if you 'kill switch' an INS an aircraft, missile, or 'everything' would continue to function. The quoted explanation sounds like Y2K hyperbole written by a 'black box' 'journalist'.
>I had chemo in my veins during this stretch
Sorry you had to endure that. Grateful you are still with us.
>Missile was intercepted with classified tech.
Jul 27, 2018 1:17:30 PM EDT
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: e05330 No. 2311890
F-16s intercept.
An F16 can shoot a MISSILE out of the air?
Specialized weapons package.
KING 5 helicopter SkyKING flew over Ketron Island Sunday, where officials are sifting through the wreckage of a plane stolen from Sea-Tac Airport Friday.