Who knows where the bodies are buried?
@ 2:24PM on Mar 19 + 0:39s video
@ 2:25PM on Mar 21
“Think about it: If FDR, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, can deal with Stalin to defeat German fascism in World War II, certainly the United States of America could work with Putin to defeat Islamic fascism. We don’t have to agree with the Russians on everything, or even on a lot, but we can at least agree that crushing ISIS in the Middle East is a very good idea.”
>Kek. Disinformation is necessary.
>perhaps Putin did have a previous allegiance to NWO types
>and POTUS is pointing to that using double speak
>I think Putin changed his allegiances sometime ago
>its just now becoming really clear to everyone that he is NOT nwo
>I think POTUS is perhaps saying;
>he not /yourguy/ anymore
>but POTUS is using double-speak to say it
>doubling down on their own narrative
>pacing to lead
>but over-emphasis for comms
>he changed
>he's different
>he's a new man
>Thinking it's this. That's what he does. He gets people digging into interpreting him, and I've found that's usually where it ends up. To your point (screen shots related). Putin is a very different man, now. Strings cut. Trump gets to tell the truth, but it's how you interpret him that reflects whether your understanding of reality matches his. PDJT is absolutely brilliant.
>Aaron Lewis is /our guy/ dropping TRUTH Bombs…
@2:52 "We have no border, we have no president."
@5:53 "Maybe we should listen to what Putin is saying…"
@7:04 "Putin is fighting the deep state…"