What did this fuck do when he was head of DOJ ? Nothing, Nothing, Nothing….. We The People should really start to make these fuckers PANIC. Unlike the last set of revolutions, this time the truth is out for tens of millions, millions have archived it and will share and explain to the NORMIE NPCs around them.
You are, You just happened to get a photo of figment.
Promises, Promises, … Typical Cock Teaser Cunt
My Constitution copy is always handy in my nightstand draw. I read it every week once. Especially enjoy listing all the violations of it the government has paraded as laws since the Patriot act was passed.
Then and Now
Some of us didn't give a shit then nor do now. Arrogant, immoral elite are nothing new under the sun.
You have to grab them by the pussy to make sure they have a pussy instead of balls. Heard it from a frem.
Whose gonnna buy it ? No one until it shows up on the $2 table