If media is full of shit,.. what else is full of shit coming from them?
Ups,… what did i just post? Top Kek.
Okey,.. enough fun webm's, time for some /comfy/ music.
Enjoy this webm.
Remember not to get burned out, here is an empty corner highlited by a notorious cat warnign about it.
Who actually is right now fighting for Hutner Biden legacy in Ukraine?
Why does it say "world ECONOMY forum" and popps up in the middle of an economy warfare?
>tfw you see some notables are missing
hy, enjoy this webm.
le fant
comet ping pong
street designer of DC?
you know, there is only one person (and his discord cabal) who hates those webm's like nothing else.
Time for some music.
Welcome to the world war 3, its already going on for a very long time and it is called Economy Warfare.
oh boy, we need confirmation right now. Get this verified!!
Dude, next week is about to get weird as fuck.
I'm out, enjoy this last WebM.