Even in the Great Awakening the Left gets its way.
She basically said, she’s pretty but stupid.
You’re lying and asking a question about Qanon meaning to Anons because you watch TV and can’t form an opinion with out those of others first.
I literally hate Living in America now. It went from cool to fool in a matter of a few years.
At this point it seems as if threats are all there are. From both sides.
For an entire month- the News:
Vladimir Putin’s Brutal Invasion of Ukraine.
Cue videos of bombed cities and an English speaking Ukraine women either crying or leaving the country.
Threats. All we get is empty threats. I’m not nay saying it’s authenticity, I’m saying we have been told a lot of Hoop-lah.
I think Taiwan is going to show the Bill Gates connection
Maybe after the bullets fly
Ostara is a wiccan holiday and one of their eight Sabbats. Ostara celebrates the spring equinox. The word Ostara comes from the Anglo-Saxon goddess name, Eostre.
Before Christianity people celebrated the Spring. They planted seeds and enjoyed a meal. They symbolize the egg as New Birth.
After Christianity they eliminated it. Moved it to Easter and made it a non holiday, but a church day.
Then Moved Spring Break in its place. A party for fools.
Agreed. It’s all empty threats and heresy. Everyone has the real story and the real answers and no one can know because it’s all too much to deal with and we just need to trust everyone. Trust Q trust politicians trust god trust Christians trust Jews trust tv trust without reasonable proofs.
Q proofs aren’t Plan proofs.