Anonymous ID: 718c4a March 22, 2022, 6:44 a.m. No.15917605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7613 >>8325 >>8326

For your health:


Stand away from walls, both interior & exterior (at least 1-2 feet away). This minimizes your exposure to radiant electrical frequencies.


Stand back 3-4 feet from your microwave while it’s running. The electro magnetic frequencies (EMF) are strong within 3 feet.


Situate Wi-Fi equipment somewhere where it’s always at least >1 foot away from you. EMF’s are strong when you’re within 1-2 feet.


If you use a radiant heater, stay back at least 3 feet to avoid strong EMF’s.


And for crying out loud, DO NOT stand in front of electrical panels for an extended period of time. The EMF’s put off at/near panels are quite strong. Stay at least 3-4 feet away from panels if at all possible.


Just as with any radiation source, your exposures to EMF’s and electrical sources should be minimized using Time, Distance, and Shielding to achieve ALARA (As low as reasonably achievable).

Anonymous ID: 718c4a March 22, 2022, 7:03 a.m. No.15917691   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7908 >>7935


I posted the lb article where Zelensky essentially said that, even though Ukraine would never be accepted into NATO, he and the cabal were still going to act/speak as if Ukraine NATO membership were still a possibility. This was/is a direct threat and provocation to Russia and they knew/know it.


I’ve been saying all along that NATO intentionally provoked Putin until he really had no choice but to act/invade. As for the other anons article about Putin naming regiments after Ukrainian cities, I think that may have been Putin’s counter to the NWO, a way of letting them know that he knew what it was/is they’re trying to do and that he wasn’t/isn’t playing around.

Anonymous ID: 718c4a March 22, 2022, 7:18 a.m. No.15917766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7868 >>8006 >>8008 >>8021 >>8157


It only makes sense if you realize the ultimate goal of Biden and the rest of the NWO cabal: to get Putin out.


Putin paid off Russia’s Rothschild banking debts and made Russia a sovereign debt nation. This was some time after the hostile overthrow of the Ukrainian government when Obama et al installed a new NWO friendly (corruption paradise) government in Ukraine in 2014. This didn’t go unnoticed by Putin. Shortly after, sometime around 2016-2018, is when Putin paid off the Rothschild debts and banned Rothschilds from Russia, rendering the NWO cabal powerless in and over Russia. The NWO now has no say or control whatsoever over Russia and it’s wealth of natural and monetary resources. In order to establish a real solid one world government and currency, they need to reestablish that control. Putin is in the way, so theyneededto go to war with Russia (really war with Putin), so that they can get him out of the way. They will either take him out militarily or with relentless pressure and propaganda. Sure they risk him exposing their Ukrainian corruption and crimes, but all of that won’t matter so long as they can sway popular opinion long enough until he’s out of the way. If/when they succeed in removing him from power, they will install a NWO friendly leader in his place (may be the coming Antichrist, you’ve been warned now), and the road to one world government will be paved and ready.

Anonymous ID: 718c4a March 22, 2022, 7:27 a.m. No.15917825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7837 >>7881


Tipping is the extent of my charitable giving nowadays as too many charities have been corrupted and it’s nearly impossible to determine which (if any) are legit. I tip well as I feel like it’s directly helping someone who (most likely) actually needs it.

Anonymous ID: 718c4a March 22, 2022, 7:41 a.m. No.15917906   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know some restaurants do that, but not all. It’s a gamble in that sense, but I will still tip well so long as I can afford it. I rarely go sit and eat anywhere since muh pandemic made everything all stupid. I tip my delivery drivers (pizza, DoorDash, etc) and I also tip when I pick up food for carry out. I tip the dog groomers and pretty much anyone providing me with a service like that.