For your health:
Stand away from walls, both interior & exterior (at least 1-2 feet away). This minimizes your exposure to radiant electrical frequencies.
Stand back 3-4 feet from your microwave while it’s running. The electro magnetic frequencies (EMF) are strong within 3 feet.
Situate Wi-Fi equipment somewhere where it’s always at least >1 foot away from you. EMF’s are strong when you’re within 1-2 feet.
If you use a radiant heater, stay back at least 3 feet to avoid strong EMF’s.
And for crying out loud, DO NOT stand in front of electrical panels for an extended period of time. The EMF’s put off at/near panels are quite strong. Stay at least 3-4 feet away from panels if at all possible.
Just as with any radiation source, your exposures to EMF’s and electrical sources should be minimized using Time, Distance, and Shielding to achieve ALARA (As low as reasonably achievable).