Forget thermite and shit.
9/11 is absolutely electromagnetic interference into solid structure.
There is just no other physical and possible solution.
Look, as stated in the interview of Donald Trump back in 2001, it wouldn't even be possible for the planes to penetrate the outter structure of the building. End of story!
In no freaking way it is possible for planes that are made for the purpose of weight reduction to penetrate that building at all. These building have been the most rock-solid architectures ever made, worldwide. It's absolutely non-sense. Question yourself, what has been the purpose of building the strongest structure of a skyscraper? What should've been secured so powerfully back in these days?
Also a giant redpill (choose wisely who you redpill with this, because most people still won't believe it at all):
Bush must have been a planted bitch by the Democrats. Why else should he do such major mistakes in the commission report? He already knew back in the days that it would harm the republicans forever, because the evidence of an inside job were blatantly obvious!
For instance: the fucking official report does not contain building 7, not mentioned a single time!
How could someone simply forget to mention a whole building in an official report?
READ the fucking report.
People who question the report are being forced out of their jobs, being discredited, called conspiracy theorists etc etc., even though these people are too lazy to research the mentioned discrepancies.
EVEN in Europe a historian and peace researcher has lost his job as a professor in Switzerland for teaching his students that the report forgot to mention WTC 7. His name is Dr. Daniele Ganser.
How obvious can it get anons?