Yeah I can't look at the building seven shit anymore. We learned a lot more about 911 in the past 17 years. Now we have to see either 911 newfags or old enemy disinfo posts about 911.
Not fun I hope people move on quickly.
Yeah I can't look at the building seven shit anymore. We learned a lot more about 911 in the past 17 years. Now we have to see either 911 newfags or old enemy disinfo posts about 911.
Not fun I hope people move on quickly.
You heard bullshit. Bush knew what they were doing. He might not have been in on the meetings but he knew who was doing it. Knew who he served. They made him seem dumb but he wasn't that dumb.
Bush was out in public being a nevertrump faggot wasn't he? He hangs out and is buddy buddy with Clinton right?
I know. Just laughable posts by those two idiots.
OMG! The Democrats and the Republicans are a Uniparty?
Whoa you just blew my mind!
Jesus Christ…
Imagine thinking this was a radical thought.
What did Jesus say?
I know you biblefags love the Jesus.
"A prophet is not a prophet in his own house?"
Something like that. Put two and two together.
I had such a meaner and demeaning post for that guy/gal that I had to delete it because I felt bad for him/her.
Wow. Imagine…
I was telling that anon to shut up around family. He is clearly doing it wrong…
Asking them to believe him…
Just say what you know and fuck their feelings. They'll come around.
Now for you? Stop being a fucking faggot.
Thats a good start.
Wait til you physically can't watch it.
Then you will be sith red pill anon.
I hope when I am reincarnated and live forever…
You will be in the afterlife.
I will be in the hereafter.
There were no planes anon. But we won that battle long ago. Trump's own comments on 911 are more in line with the no plane hypothesis than the plane theory. He was sure bombs must have been on the planes or in the buildings. He knows buildings. It is not just the steel walls that the aluminum plane AND ITS FLIMSY WINGS had to penetrate. But also the three feet wide FLOORS horizontally.
You beginning to see how ridiculous the plane theory is? It was a media MSM magic trick. People like Matt (((Lauer))) were in on it. No joke.
The problem with Wood is she depends on the visual data. We know that A LOT of the media coverage and the photography was forged or faked.
I am not saying ALL IS FAKE but the vast majority is fake. And that which isn't fake are doctored. Videos where the "plane strike" are suspiciously edited out of the footage.
Video with edited out plane strikes…Real
Video with edited in CGI plane strikes…Fake
They contradict eachother anyway.
Architects and Engineers ie Richard Gage are controlled opposition…playing a role…set up to fail on purpose because this…
They are/were asking for the MSM to provide them with media coverage to have an investigation by the government…the perps
So they were on a fools errand by choice or stupidity…Ask the perps to get the other perps to have an investigation about the perps…
Hope you learned something. I am done explaining this complex issue in as little words as I can.
Fuck those communist faggots.
They stole other peoples work and then put their communist twist in there at the end.
Peter Joseph is a Jew isn't he?
Answer to your photos…
Wake Vortex
Intense Steel Grid impenetrable by aluminum jet
Impossible flight maneuverability by sand nigs
Entirety of WTC complex destroyed on 9112001
The left is a religious cult
Belief is what they thrive on
The RINOS and CUCKS are their bitches
TV/MOVIES/JEWPAPERS are their pastor/priest/RABBI
Looks like just me and you are the smartest guys in the room. Well…except Trump right here…
Three smart big brained mother fuckers.