Judy Wood did a great job compiling evidence and asking good questions. But other than that, what work are you referring to? Did she do experiments demonstrating the technology? Does she have a lab? Does she demonstrate molecular disassociation in her lectures?
I'm not saying she hasn't done a great job highlighting the evidence. But I don't view her "work" as any more than a collection of evidence. There is no work demonstrated or being done to show some mysterious free and directed energy can collapse the building. I think her job was to present the evidence in such a way that gave her credibility to truthers, but the conclusion of free energy is rediculous and a red herring to deflect from people trying to find out "who" did it. That is the only think that should matter is the "who".
Now, I don't know who, but Bollyn is at least not hesitant to name exactly who he thinks did it. Judy Wood… not interested in the crime.