Quality post anon.
Baker Here
You've done an epic job bakeranon. Take a well earned rest. Roger your paste. Godspeed m'fren.
What's up, thought we had a new baker? Baker here if you need to hand off.
Handoff confirmed
No worries anon, take some rest.
Other master baker - I'll take this one, if you'd like to take the next just shout. Easy.
Anyone else lagging / cloudflare?
notables notables
Boards been lagging here / cloudflare issues. If I've missed any, please tag. TY!
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>>1591885, >>1592357 Quality Xpost from reddit: What is a True Q Follower?
Okay no worries, using BO's paste now. If any formatting needs fixed I will next bread. Cheers m'fren.
baking breadโฆ