Haven't seen any DECLAS to speak of.
There is some discomfort visible, but absolutely no pain, no tears - not even a hissy fit.
There are attacks from all sides here.
Qresearch sort of attacked WL and many have attacked Snowden - 2 folks who let the original cats out of the bag on much of the cabal. WL comped seems to be phrase of the day, even though a lot of what has already been dug was at least partially revealed by WL.
Pain. ββ-β NOPE
Enjoy the show.βββ muh,
So far, this is just another week in the news cycle. I've been awake since Nixon, so I will wait a bit more, but with eyes wide open for shifts in the direction here as well. Weaponized autism, weaponized movement - what direction will it be led by Q?
I think the whole conservative vs liberal, the red vs blue, the dems vs repubs - that division is deepening.