So, Ketanji Brown's light sentencing on Peophiles;
So far I have heard:
Online distribution makes it "far easier" to collect "a large amount" of this material, as opposed to "mail distribution".
The sentencing guidlines for CP set out VERY CLEAR sentencing requirements based on a variety of criteria. The actual number of individual images in possession of the accuased is one of these criteria. Having MORE images is seen as being a GREATER offense, and is sentenced more HARSHLY.
Ketnji Brown is arguing that the greater ease of access afforded by "online distribution" of CP means this sentencing guildline criteria is no longer effective in creating a distinction between MORE offensive, and LESS offensive isntances of possession of CP.
This statement IS the foundational argument that has been made for the reduced sentencing she has given in the cases specifically referenced by Sen. Hawley.
Sen. Lee drilled her on this point;
"Surely, the fact that a crime has become easier to commit does not make it a lesser offense, does it? Are drug crimes considered less offensive when drugs become easier to aquire? Are gun crimes considered less offensive when illegal guns become easier to aquire?"
Ketanji Brown left an open silence in the room for a good 5 seconds before coming up with an answer for this one;
She replied;
"Well, in most of these cases -and I have not had time to drill into all of them- the GOVERNMENT has requested the reduced sentence for the offender, and it was the GOVERNMENT that made the case that online distribution negated the sentencing guidline criteria based on the exact number of images that was in possession of the offender"
that is what I have heard so far…
anons, is this what you have gotten so far?