Cotton: You chose to rewrite the law because you were sympathetic to a Fentanyl drug kingpin…you twisted the law, and you rewrote it, so you could cut the sentence of a drug kingpin.
Booker: Lots of books are being banned…
[those that attempt to sexualize young children; make them gay, which Booker obviously supports]
Booker: The majority of murder victims are black men.
[and who are they being murdered by?]
This is ridiculous.
Booker: Can you tell us what it means to you to be a mom of two young women growing up in America today.
Kennedy: You have an opinion, don't you? [on packing the court]
Jackson: Not a strongly held one, actually…I have opinions about a lot of things. I don't have an opinion I think appropriate to share.
[Jackson obviously wants to pack the court with radical left zealots]