anon calling the shot
hey PBS, that's a NAZI on the wall behind your friend that you're supporting
I suspect Hannity has to tow the line. Fox has clearly gone full traitor. It would be good to have someone on the inside of that operation. Infiltrated so to speak.
dont forget the direct comms
>dont forget the direct comms
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 07/08/2019 21:19:36 ID: 1c1fb4
Archive Bread/Post Links: 6958839 / 6958937
Direct Link: 6958937
Anonymous 07/08/2019 21:18:27 ID:84fc7c
Archive Bread/Post Links: 6958839 / 6958904
Direct Link: 6958904
Hannity just "Dropped the pen" again, using a very artificial tone
"follow the pen".Hannity was talking directly to us.
Haven't you figured it out by now?
>hey PBS, that's a NAZI on the wall behind your friend that you're supporting
>hey PBS, that's a NAZI on the wall behind your friend that you're supporting
this fucking retard can't give a definition of the word woman